Title: New Anti-Television Resources in Progress Post by: Shin on November 01, 2011, 01:03:42 PM A section devoted to "Resources for a Television Free Life" is in the works.
There will be quotations from priests who have worked against television viewing, extracts from various works about moral law in what media we read or possess that apply to television as well as other media, and quotations from the saints. If anyone has any suggestions or contributions for the resources that might be included please email/pm them for consideration. :D "A priest's primary duty is to save souls; he is responsible for prevailing moral atttitudes in his parish and specifically for the salvation of his parishioners' souls. . . The priest, then must come to an honest recognition of the primary avenue to the destruction of souls in his Catholic homes, as that window to the world of immorality -- the television set. And he must continually point out to his parishioners that acceptance of TV entertainment is simply not compatible with the Christian life of spirituality." "Television, and EWTN included, keeps Catholics from being active in solid, spiritual organizations. Try to organize -- and keep -- A Legion of Mary praesidium going!" - Fr. F.P. "I really do see the blessings that have come from living without TV. God knows what we gave up! And I believe He has blessed us many times over." - Sue, in Wisconsin "Peace has pervaded our home. We are no longer held captive by programs, media, and the one-eyed monster. It is not the center of our lives. Our minds are clear, our thinking uninhibited. We think for ourselves - not what the networks want us to believe. . ." - a homeschool mother from Minnesota "Do not bring an abomination [an idol] into your house since you will become accursed like it. You should utterly detest it. . . and shall utterly abhor its uncleanness and filth, because it is anathema." Deuteronomy 7:26 'Oh, what peril attaches to sin willfully committed! For it is so difficult for man to bring himself to penance, and without penitence guilt remains and will ever remain, so long as man retains unchanged the will to sin, or is intent upon committing it.' St. Catherine of Genoa |