Title: avatar question Post by: Bailey2 on April 27, 2010, 06:52:30 PM OK, I spent too much time on this today.
How are you uploading to get the canned choices, Shin? I can't seem to upload any pic without distortion unless I use yours! Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Shin on April 27, 2010, 07:09:07 PM OK, I spent too much time on this today. How are you uploading to get the canned choices, Shin? I can't seem to upload any pic without distortion unless I use yours! Hmm.. I do not understand the question? A user can upload a custom avatar, or use the ones I install over time as it goes by. Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Bailey2 on April 27, 2010, 07:21:25 PM When I tried to upload all the other personal avatars, they were small and distorted in shape; this was true even when I took a picture of my own holy card, sized it like I did the pic of my altar and uploaded it. I just don't understand that since the altar came out OK. I'm ready to show you where the picture is online and have you put it in your collection!! I am so frustrated and now mad at myself for wasting so much time here today! shame on me!
Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Shin on April 27, 2010, 07:31:43 PM When I tried to upload all the other personal avatars, they were small and distorted in shape; this was true even when I took a picture of my own holy card, sized it like I did the pic of my altar and uploaded it. I just don't understand that since the altar came out OK. I'm ready to show you where the picture is online and have you put it in your collection!! I am so frustrated and now mad at myself for wasting so much time here today! shame on me! Now now, offer it up, and no time is wasted time. Let's see, why is that happening.. ah I see, it's my fault actually. I didn't flip a switch somewhere over here, and it automatically sizes them wrong. My apologies. See you notified me of something I need to know, I wouldn'tve found out if not for you. :) Try again now with the one you want. Now it's standard for external avatars as well as internal system ones. 150x150 is the maximum size, if width or height goes over, it gets downsized. Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Bailey2 on April 27, 2010, 08:03:14 PM Almost Shin, not quite....... narrower a bit.......... I hope you can adjust; this is my most favorite pic of her
Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Shin on April 27, 2010, 08:26:50 PM Hmm.. This auto-resizer is definitely doing some strange things, and doesn't want to do what it should properly. I will take a further look at it tomorrow, I don't think it's made very well!
I'm about at my tech limit for today, it's good to know when to take a break. Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Patricia on April 27, 2010, 08:55:30 PM Who is your avatar Bailey? Is it Elizabeth Ann Seton?
Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Bailey2 on April 27, 2010, 10:50:10 PM It's my favorite painting of Elizabeth Seton with her son, I William (or Richard?). There is another one I also like, similar. I like the Saints as moms rather than nuns. :)
Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Patricia on April 27, 2010, 10:53:55 PM Then you may like Blessed Anna Maria Taigi.
Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Bailey2 on April 27, 2010, 10:59:26 PM I'll have to look her up!
Elizabeth and I have a long history. After we get this avatar thing fixed perhaps I share some of it here..... :) Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Patricia on April 27, 2010, 11:03:29 PM Looking forward to it. Are you still struggling with your avatar? :D
Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Bailey2 on April 28, 2010, 09:58:47 AM another option. I live in the southwest!
Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Shin on April 28, 2010, 10:00:54 AM another option. I live in the southwest! Ooo! Our Lady of Guadalupe! :D Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Brigid on April 28, 2010, 02:31:27 PM It's my favorite painting of Elizabeth Seton with her son, I William (or Richard?). There is another one I also like, similar. I like the Saints as moms rather than nuns. :) Do you feel close to St. Rita? (Course, I love the avatar of Our Lady of Guadelupe!) Title: Re: avatar question Post by: Bailey2 on April 28, 2010, 05:16:06 PM I don't know her. I do like feisty Saints and more modern Saints. My former pastor told me I remind him of Teresa Avila; why I don't know.
Elizabeth Seton, Jane Francis de Chantal, Blessed Franz Jagerstatter, Elizabeth of Hungary (not because of her charity but because of her sexy passionate relationship with her husband..... you should read the stuff!), and finally saints with a temporary little s---- Sr. Dorothy Stang, Thea Bowman, Agneta Chang, and Maura Clarke and Companions, etc. But for avatar, Our Lady of Guadelupe is fine. It kind of reminds me of the place I have come to after 5 yrs here: "your people shall be my people (Ruth)." :D And Shin, if you add a better picture of her, let me know. |