Title: Would you Run? Post by: Shin on July 12, 2010, 10:16:29 AM Ask yourself. . . would you run? After reading the following. . .
Imagine this happening to you. . . One afternoon on Sunday just as mass was about to begin, a large congregation was surprised to see two men enter. . . . . . wearing black masks and holding submachine guns! One of the men proclaimed, "Anyone willing to take a bullet for Christ, remain where you are!" Immediately the choir fled. . . The deacons fled. . . And most of the congregation fled. Out of hundreds, only ten remained. . . The man who was speaking then took of his hood and said, "OK pastor, I got rid of all the hypocrites . . . Now you may begin your service, have a nice day!" And the two men turned and walked out. . . . Not too deep to pass on! Title: Re: Would you Run? Post by: Patricia on July 12, 2010, 11:35:40 AM As I have watched in movies and such, I would duck and lie flat on the ground and crawl under chairs if possible. If they were real gunmen and started shooting, I would pretend to be dead, so they would leave me alone. :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Would you Run? Post by: martin on July 12, 2010, 11:49:02 AM I would be very biblical about the matter and quote a line of scripture to them.
Something like, "I know not the man." ??? God forbid but if anything like that should ever happen I would like to think the Lord would instill the supernatural grace needed to stand firm no matter what. It's a public holiday here today and I was just sitting debating with myself whether or not to write a letter to our bishop asking for a traditional Mass to be made available here on Sundays. Thanks Shin, you've just unwittingly gave me the answer. :) Would you (or anyone here) have a sample letter I could use to work from when writing to a bishop even if it's not on this subject. Want to make sure I dot my "i's" and cross my "t's" so to speak. I'm getting very wearied of the abuses at the Novus Ordo Missae lately and keep telling myself not to be getting so uptight but it ain't working. A few friends have called me today and one was telling me he was at a requiem Mass this morning and for the psalm they played Danny Boy. Last sunday the sacristan came on the alter at communion time, whispered something to the visiting elderly priest who was saying the mass and then proceded to take the Ciborium from the alter and give Holy Communion to the lay ministers. He then ( with the priest and the other lay ministers) gave Communion to the congregation at such a speed that he dropped a Sacred Host on the floor. Sitting in front of me was a young lady with one arm draped across the backrest of the pew and so scantly clad that it was sacrilegious to say the least.... I could go on... but forgive me for letting off a little steam. :ActofGod: Title: Re: Would you Run? Post by: Shin on July 12, 2010, 11:55:46 AM Horrifying Martin, horrifying...
Prayers. . . Jesus have mercy.. God please accept what reparation can be offered.. Christ have mercy.. You have my additional prayers and best wishes for that letter! Do your best to be positive in it! Title: Re: Would you Run? Post by: Shin on July 12, 2010, 11:59:41 AM :crucifix:
See.. I'm torn about this incident.. If I was in a state that permitted it, and had a semi-automatic pistol on me, I keep wondering.. "Should I shoot back, or is this my chance to go straight to Heaven on a martyrdom ticket?" .. Well if they're going to let the ones most likely going 'down below' go. . . this could be a golden opportunity. . . And why spoil it for anyone else too? I mean, it's one thing to die without Confession et all, but martyrdom? Could be the non-stop ticket straight to Heaven, no delays! Title: Re: Would you Run? Post by: Patricia on July 12, 2010, 03:50:28 PM Quote Could be the non-stop ticket straight to Heaven, no delays! Yes, martyrdom is the fastest way and I pray if the day comes I'm given the grace to be courageous to die for Christ. Sometimes I read of Saints who were burned alive in oil and tortured and wonder if I would be able to have that grace to bear the pain for Christ. ??? As we speak Catholics are being persecuted in China and Russia. We must pray for their holy perseverance. Even in once very tolerant countries like India rage is being directed toward Christians. Christians are being martyred and persecuted even today. :( Title: Re: Would you Run? Post by: Shin on July 12, 2010, 03:59:32 PM Yes we must pray for them!
Whenever I read the news from over there. . . I remember that it's blatantly not reported over here. SIGH! Forgive the macho stuff! ;D Haha! Sigh. I miss that bb-gun. All I ever had. :madgunfighter: :gunfight: I've lived in the wrong states for it! Title: Re: Would you Run? Post by: Brigid on July 12, 2010, 06:12:39 PM I would definitely stand fast :angryred:, however I would follow just what Patricia was saying. I am crazy about Christ and I am a chicken.
Title: Re: Would you Run? Post by: martin on July 12, 2010, 06:23:47 PM Do you remember in the movie "A Man for all Seasons" where Thomas Moore consoles his wife while he's in prison saying, "Don't worry my dear. This isn't the stuff that martyrs are made of."
(referring to himself) God put the stuff in him. :angelblue: Title: Re: Would you Run? Post by: Brigid on July 12, 2010, 06:46:05 PM ;) :D