Title: New, Corrected Editions! New Volunteer! Post by: Shin on January 29, 2012, 02:18:13 PM We have new, corrected editions of 'Almighty God Loves Little Children' and 'The Great Question' by Fr. John Furniss on Saints' Books (http://saintsbooks.net).
These new editions were proofread by a new volunteer proofreader/helper. Please say a prayer for the new volunteer, and if you could sometimes, remember to include the anonymous volunteers and helpers and their families here specially in our little family prayers. :D The new editions correct some typographical errors such as repeated words, transposed lettering, and so forth. Hopefully in the future we will have more corrected and more thoroughly proofread works available. :D Title: Re: New, Corrected Editions! New Volunteer! Post by: Patricia on January 29, 2012, 04:42:46 PM Prayers for the new volunteer!! :crucifix:
Title: Re: New, Corrected Editions! New Volunteer! Post by: Gabriel Marie Josef Anton on October 11, 2016, 03:26:36 AM Peace be with you.
On page 86 of Book of St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori - Preparation for Death.pdf (page 99 of 280 of PDF file), the page is Blank. This is what is missing: (Taken from another interpretation of the book from another site.) This is to you the most important of all affairs. Let us then be persuaded that eternal salvation is for us the most important affair,—the only affair,— and that if once neglected it is an irreparable affair if we ever make a mistake. It is the most important affair, because if the soul be lost, all is lost. We ought to set a higher value on the soul than on all the goods of the earth. " The soul," says St. Chrysostom, “is more precious than the whole world!” (In 1 Cor. hom. 3). To be convinced of this truth, it is enough to know that God himself has condemned his Son to death in order to save our souls. The Eternal Word has not refused to purchase them with his own blood. St. Philip Neri with reason could say that he who does not attend to the salvation of his soul is a fool. Were there on this earth two classes of men, one mortal and the other immortal, and were the former to see the latter seeking after the things of this world, its honors, goods, and amusements, they should certainly exclaim: O fools that you are ! you have it in your power to acquire eternal riches, and do you fix your thoughts on those miserable and transitory things ? Will you, for these, condemn yourselves, to an eternity of torments in the next life ? Leave us, for whom all shall end at death, to seek after these earthly goods. But no; we are all immortal. How then does it happen that so many lose their souls for the miserable pleasures of this life? How does it come to pass, says Salvian, that Christians believe in judgment, hell, and eternity, and still live as if they feared them not? Affections and Prayers Ah, my God! how have I spent so many years, which Thou hast given me in order to secure my eternal salvation ?[/color] God Bless you. Title: Re: New, Corrected Editions! New Volunteer! Post by: Shin on October 11, 2016, 08:07:33 AM I appreciate the help!
I am not seeing that this is missing in the copy on the saintsbooks.net site, the translation is different, but the substance appears to be there after quickly reviewing it. Are you sure? Is this a link to the library from another site? There are more than a few direct links to the books provided here, which is helpful for spreading these writings far and wide. Sometimes though this makes updating things not quite work. Hmm, for what little it is worth, I do think 'affair' sounds a little better than 'concern' as it is translated in the copy online have here. I will review the electronic copies available and see if it would be good to make more than one edition available. I believe my paperback is different than the etext, it would be good to will compare them as well. Deo gratias et Maria semper Virgini for all the good in this life. Title: Re: New, Corrected Editions! New Volunteer! Post by: Gabriel Marie Josef Anton on October 11, 2016, 01:09:33 PM I appreciate the help! I am not seeing that this is missing in the copy on the saintsbooks.net site, the translation is different, but the substance appears to be there after quickly reviewing it. Are you sure? Is this a link to the library from another site? There are more than a few direct links to the books provided here, which is helpful for spreading these writings far and wide. Sometimes though this makes updating things not quite work. Hmm, for what little it is worth, I do think 'affair' sounds a little better than 'concern' as it is translated in the copy online have here. I will review the electronic copies available and see if it would be good to make more than one edition available. I believe my paperback is different than the etext, it would be good to will compare them as well. Deo gratias et Maria semper Virgini for all the good in this life. Peace be with you. I downloaded the Book, St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori - Preparation for Death.pdf again from your site to double check the copy of the book. It is the same copy. White in colour. Pg 86 of the Book is Blank. Go to [mod: edit for link], there are a few books there you can add to your collection here. Look under Theology for the Works of St. Alphonsus Marie de Liguori on the site. You're Welcome. God bless you. Title: Re: New, Corrected Editions! New Volunteer! Post by: Shin on October 11, 2016, 01:24:34 PM (http://saintsworks.net/tmp/page86.png)
This is the page 86 from the copy that downloads from the site for me. Is this what is blank for you? By the way be sure to read the initial announcements on the website! While I appreciate being recommended e-book sources, there's a no-links policy for forum posts. Title: Re: New, Corrected Editions! New Volunteer! Post by: Gabriel Marie Josef Anton on October 11, 2016, 01:48:25 PM Peace be with you.
Yes, that is blank for me. Thank you for that. I gathered that about the links part. I preview my post and it gets an error message when there's a link. I am going to read the initial announcement again to refresh my memory. Thank you for your kind reminder. It's much appreciated. God bless you. Title: Re: New, Corrected Editions! New Volunteer! Post by: Shin on October 11, 2016, 01:52:24 PM I will look into this further, I am making a guess here, but I seem to recall this being an issue, and then correcting the edition with page 86 properly, however, it may be that older or other editions of PDF readers have problems displaying this correction.
Even if this is the issue, I'd like to get a compatible PDF for such viewers up, so I will work on fixing the copy provided. Thanks again for the help! Title: Re: New, Corrected Editions! New Volunteer! Post by: Gabriel Marie Josef Anton on October 11, 2016, 01:59:06 PM Peace be with you.
You're Welcome. Thank you to you too. God bless you. Title: Re: New, Corrected Editions! New Volunteer! Post by: eschator83 on November 10, 2016, 03:11:23 PM Thanks for interesting discussion--and all the work you do. We add our prayers for you and hopefully many volunteers.
Title: Re: New, Corrected Editions! New Volunteer! Post by: Shin on November 12, 2016, 08:03:27 AM Deo gratias.. Deo gratias. There is much to be thankful for! :D
Good words and good people! :D Thank you eschator for your prayers and kind words! ;D |