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1  Forums / Prayer Requests / Prayers in time of temptation on: June 28, 2010, 02:47:49 PM
Please pray for me. As I touched upon on another thread, I have been going through a spiritual struggle against temptation, sometimes unsuccessfully, and although things are getting better, I know I need to be vigilant.
Has anyone any good prayers to share to help in resisitng?
Many thanks,
AutumnRose xx littlewings
2  Forums / Prayer Requests / Re: Need Prayers on: June 28, 2010, 02:44:14 PM
In mine too Patricia littleprayer
3  Forums / Prayer Requests / Re: for Bailey2 on: June 28, 2010, 02:43:30 PM
Praying here too littleprayer
4  Forums / Prayer Requests / Re: Please pray dear friends for Debbie on: June 28, 2010, 02:42:28 PM
Offering prayers for both Debbie and Frank cross prayer
5  Forums / Saints' & Spiritual Life General Discussion / Looking beyond the bluebells on: June 28, 2010, 11:31:32 AM
Some ponderings of mine!

I was struck by something I heard on the radio last night. Every Sunday evening, I listen to Sunday Half Hour with Father Brian d’Arcy.  Last night, he shared about an experience which really spoke to me. He talked about his yearly visit to the island of Inish Davar on Lough Erne in Northern Ireland to see the beautiful display on bluebells. This year, the display had been less spectacular due to the over-long, over-cold winter, but rather than being a disappointment, Father d’Arcy said that this led him to look around, and further afield, at the other natural beauty the island had to offer. Instead of being mesmerised by the bluebells alone, his vision was widened to take in much more, things he hadn’t really noticed before despite having made many visits.

This is a really powerful picture, because it tells me that I can so often focus on what is good and beautiful immediately “close to home”, and be mesmerised by it. Whilst it is, of course, good to acknowledge our blessings and consolations, we can too easily become obsessed by them, or think that they are necessary to our well-being. And yet there are times when God removes these familiar, expected consolations from our lives, for our own good, so that we can widen our vision and look for broader horizons. Focusing in on one small aspect of our lives often means that we miss other, equally beautiful sights, and even when all consolations have been removed, hope is not lost, for then we can do nothing but focus on God.

There is a saying I came across a while ago “seek God’s heart, not His hands”. In other words, seek God for who He is, rather than for what He can give us. It may be that God gives us nothing but Himself, but in that, we have everything we could ever need, as the prayer of St. Ignatius reminds us:

Take, O Lord, and receive my entire liberty,
my memory, my understanding and my whole will.
All that I am and all that I possess You have given me:
I surrender it all to You to be disposed of according to Your will.
Give me only Your love and Your grace;
with these I will be rich enough,
and will desire nothing more.

There are many examples in the lives of the saints, of godly men and women who surrendered to God all earthly and worldly comforts in His service, accepting sickness, persecutions even death, and were richly blessed spiritually. Even if we can only imitate them in very small ways, it is a step. We may not always have a profusion of bluebells, but we will always have God.

 harp Seraphim
6  Forums / Saints' & Spiritual Life General Discussion / Re: Married, parents, widow/widower Saints and Blesseds on: June 28, 2010, 07:14:23 AM
I love St. Elizabeth of Hungary Smiley
Antoher married Saint, whose name I took as my Oblate name when I made my profession, is St. Frances of Rome, who was the first to set up a Benedictine Oblate community...I find her story to be very inspiring Little Angel

    One of the greatest mystics of the fifteenth century; born at Rome, of a noble family, in 1384; died there, 9 March, 1440.

    Her youthful desire was to enter religion, but at her father's wish she married, at the age of twelve, Lorenzo de' Ponziani. Among her children we know of Battista, who carried on the family name, Evangelista, a child of great gifts (d. 1411), and Agnes (d. 1413). Frances was remarkable for her charity to the poor, and her zeal for souls. She won away many Roman ladies from a life of frivolity, and united them in an association of oblates attached to the White Benedictine monastery of Santa Maria Nuova; later they became the Benedictine Oblate Congregation of Tor di Specchi (25 March, 1433) which was approved by Eugene IV (4 July, 1433). Its members led the life of religious, but without the strict cloister or formal vows, and gave themselves up to prayer and good works. With her husband's consent Frances practiced continency, and advanced in a life of contemplation. Her visions often assumed the form of drama enacted for her by heavenly personages. She had the gift of miracles and ecstasy, we well as the bodily vision of her guardian angel, had revelations concerning purgatory and hell, and foretold the ending of the Western Schism. She could read the secrets of consciences and detect plots of diabolical origin. She was remarkable for her humility and detachment, her obedience and patience, exemplified on the occasion of her husband's banishment, the captivity of Battista, her sons' death, and the loss of all her property.

    On the death of her husband (1436) she retired among her oblates at Tor di Specchi, seeking admission for charity's sake, and was made superior. On the occasion of a visit to her son, she fell ill and died on the day she had foretold. Her canonization was preceded by three processes (1440, 1443, 1451) and Paul V declared her a saint on 9 May, 1608, assigning 9 March as her feast day. Long before that, however, the faithful were wont to venerate her body in the church of Santa Maria Nuova in the Roman Forum, now known as the church of Santa Francesca Romana.

I love how in Catholicism you can add more names to your baptismal name! My confirmation name is Therese and my Oblate name is Frances Grin
7  Forums / Pro-Life News & Talk / Re: Study: Rise in Autism and introduction of Aborted Fetal DNA in Vaccines? on: June 06, 2010, 07:26:18 AM
I am totally anti-vaccine as are my daughters, and none of the littlies in my family have been vaccinated. Third generation, my Mum refused to have me vaccinated too!
I have done loads of research and the side effects are scary. I believe they do more damage than disease, not to mention the ethical considerations.
Just my point of view Wink
8  Forums / Archive / Re: Open Confessions on: June 05, 2010, 10:02:37 AM
I always confess behind the screen to the Franciscan brothers. The confessional is split in 2, the penitent on one side, the priest on the other, a metal grill, 2 separate doors. I find this set-up the best way for me to confess my sins especially embarrassing ones Embarrassed
I have confessed face to face to my Oblate priest, who I have been in my Oblate group with for 4 years now. But I am very, very aware of boundaries. He is about my age, and I have been told I am an attractive woman (?? beats me!! Grin ) and I am so careful about how I conduct myself around him, as with every other man, but more so. And careful not to be alone with him except in matters of confession Little Angel
9  Forums / Saints' & Spiritual Life General Discussion / Re: For Lent...and beyond on: May 19, 2010, 05:27:17 AM
Honestly the discipline was really common for ordinary folks not too long ago, it doesn't take a 'big saint' to do it. I think people nowadays have a reaction against it that is based mostly in fear of the unknown rather than capacity or the good of the penance.

I would recommend it to anyone without some extraordinary psychological problems who would take a wrong approach to it.
I've just been reading through various threads I haven't looked at before and found this.
I too recognise the value of the discipline, and have one I made myself which I use, very moderately on the shoulders on Fridays during my prayer time, as a reminder of my sins. It doesn't hurt a great deal, but helps a great deal!
10  Forums / Prayer Requests / UK General Election on: May 06, 2010, 05:26:04 AM
It's our General Election here today.
Please pray that God's will be done, and for people, especially Catholics, to vote wisely.
tiny angel
11  Forums / Prayer Requests / Re: For My Mother on: May 04, 2010, 02:13:58 PM
I have a Chaplet of St. Philomena. I will pray it for your Mum littleprayer
12  Forums / Saints' & Spiritual Life General Discussion / Re: What are are you working on in your spiritual life? on: April 29, 2010, 05:41:48 PM
I am working on fulfiling my calling in the home, by trying every day, with God's help to cultivate a servant heart, and to be a better wife, mother and grandmother. By putting my selfish needs aside and focusing on others I hope each day to imitate Mary, but of course fail on a daily baisis. So each day is a recommitment and a chance to die to self anew. It will take me until eternity to perfect it!

I too have to work on daily mortification, Shin, as I am a lover of comfort. To deny ourselves those little comforts and offer it up as a prayer for others is something we can all do Smiley God has made so many little ways to draw closer to Him in holiness, if only we would look around and recognise them Wink
13  Forums / Archive / Re: Traditionalism on: April 28, 2010, 03:12:54 PM
Honestly though....... in my estimation, traditional Catholics love latin, pray rosary, do novenas, and spend lots of time in adoration, and like Saints that are more serious.  I do none of these things and I like to read about Saint's more modern, even uncanonized yet and more ordinary.

Bailey, I think traditionalism is just as much about being a faithful Catholic, faithful in thought, word and deed to the Church's teachings and our Holy Father. I don't think it matters whether one prays in Latin, or prays novenas etc. St. Therese herself said that she didn't want to pray formal prayers all the time, and sought great comfort by talking to God in her own simple words, as a child would do. My 2 favourite saints are St. Therese and St. Bernadette who were simple, child-like and uncomplicated. St. Therese had a love of fun and a sense of humour too despite her sufferings!

I see too often on the net "Traditionalists" criticising and judging those they see who are not, and yet their words betray the "inner Pharisee". It is more traditional to try each day to love as Jesus loves, to offer up our sufferings for His sake, to perform acts of charity and to recognise our own failings and short-comings.

I am "Traditional" to any outsider ~ I go to the TLM, I wear a mantilla, I say my Rosary in Latin and all the things mentioned above, but if I don't love, then I am merely a "clashing cymbal". I would say that if you truly love the Lord, and try every day to seek His will, and obey the Church, then you're more "traditional" than you think.

Love to all xx
14  Forums / Prayer Requests / Re: Daughter needs urgent prayers on: April 25, 2010, 10:33:29 AM
Oh, Patricia, that's so hard for you both :'(
It could be her own reaction to grief, which can do very odd things to people. Sometimes we have to let go of our children, and entrust them to God's care, knowing that their Heavenly Father loves them even more than we do, and pray for her safe-keeping and protection. Perhaps you could tell her you aren't happy with her lifestyle choices, but you still love her and she is still precious to you. I will pray for your daughter, and will pray to Saint Monica, whose son, the great Saint Augustine, caused her great heartache, but eventually was converted to the love of God! I will also ask our Holy Mother to especially protect and guard her, and bring her back to Jesus.
Sending hugs and prayers to you both, and all the family xx
15  Forums / Prayer Requests / Re: Please pray for this hurt! on: April 24, 2010, 05:11:59 PM
Thank you for those wise and wonderful words of comfort, Therese. I feel the Holy Spirit speaking to me through them littlewings
16  Forums / Prayer Requests / Re: Please pray for this hurt! on: April 24, 2010, 03:46:51 PM
Just to clarify, I didn't mean to say others hadn't responded here, I was already very much encouraged by their posts earlier on in the thread. What I meant was that no-one in real life has thought to ask after me recently. Sorry it "read" wrong! Everyone here has been very caring, so thanks to you all tiny angel
Hope that clears things up!
I will go and look at the hobby thread now! Wink

Really, really hope I didn't upset anyone! sorry
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