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Forums / Book Study / Re: Nican Mopohua
on: December 17, 2014, 04:49:42 PM
If the bearer of this request from Our Lady would have not been a poor peasant, we might not have had the miracle of her image on his humble milpa. His cloak was such a part of him, he probably used it to keep warm, to carry his produce from the fields. It became a miraculous object of veneration and resulted in the conversion of many! I'm so glad the Americas, both north and south have her as our patroness. 
Forums / Book Study / Re: St Theresa of Avila
on: December 15, 2014, 01:16:47 AM
What a treasure of observations, encouragement and cautions. Helpful to everyone, and so accessible a writing style. I feel like I am sitting at her side as she advises. Very comforting to be reminded over and over to not be afraid. Sometimes this journey is a scary one for me! Thank you Poche for this book study.
Forums / Saints' & Spiritual Life General Discussion / Re: Belle Fleur
on: December 14, 2014, 02:56:06 AM
{a} Globe Amaranth, also known as Margeurite {b} flower colors vary but purple blooms are most notable {c} St. Margaret Mary Alacoque Blooms make wonderful deep purple tea that is caffeine free but still energizing. The association between St. Margaret Mary Alacoque and this flower may be unique to The island of St. Lucia where they have a festival celebrating this flower on her feast day.
Forums / Everything Else / Re: How did you come upon Saints forums?
on: December 12, 2014, 02:47:23 AM
I asked a question on CAF about praying The Chaplet of St. Michael and Shin sent me an invitation to this site. I am very happy to be here! I love reading CAF,and post a little, but I prefer the quiet and cozy feel of this site.  It is so loaded with gems from our Saints and has so much information that I still haven't read thru it all.  It makes sense, my county has about 3,000 people, my town has 180, and my parish has 47. 
Forums / Everything Else / Re: Milk and Potatoes
on: December 12, 2014, 02:04:11 AM
I read somewhere a wonderful mag. article about a widow living way out somewhere on the Tibetan high plains. She milked a yak and cooked rice in a solar cooker. That was it! Oh yes, and tea. Great photos of her in this tidy, plain little cabin built of clay, dung, something..... It was very sturdy and snug. I like to think of her living a simple life of prayer.
Forums / Prayer Requests / Re: Please pray for dying parishioner
on: December 10, 2014, 04:25:58 PM
Yes, may he rest in peace! He suffered so much for so long and with a some health care chaos,as can befall caregiving and end of life decision making. Things got pretty crazy in the end before he was long term care. Makes me have questions about purification on earth vs. in purgatory, probably a question for another forum. Thank you all for your prayers! 
Forums / Book Study / Re: St. Louis Marie de Montfort - True Devotion to Mary
on: December 10, 2014, 04:10:18 PM
Hello, thank you for this book study, :)I am just now reading it and I have a question about the part in 58 referring to -and I am quoting this loosly,- going about with little concern in the midst of other priests, ecclesiastics and clerics. What does that mean? Let me say to all who take the time to do these book studies how much I appreciate them. And Shin, this is such a nice site, so much good information and pure truths. Aren't we blessed to have so many good words from so many Saints. What a treasure!
Forums / Saints' & Spiritual Life General Discussion / Re: Belle Fleur
on: December 06, 2014, 12:48:01 AM
{A} Calla Lily {B} Strong green stalks with big white blooms {C} St. Joseph Called, among other common names; St. Joseph's Staff Not a true lily, mislabeled by a botanist but the association with the lily family stuck. Symbol of purity and holiness, these hardy plants will bloom wherever you plant, toss or discard them, even in water and cold.
Forums / Saints' & Spiritual Life General Discussion / Re: Belle Fleur
on: December 02, 2014, 03:51:29 AM
{A} Saint Mary's Thistle, also called Milk Thistle, Blessed Milk thistle, Scotch Thistle (Silybum marianum or cardus marianus) {B} Spiny plant with purple flower {C} Our Blessed Mother  Both unproven and study supported medicinal claims including liver support and repair, antifungal, useful for OCD; similar to fluoxetine, It's extract, silymarin, is used for cerebral edema and acute hepatitis therapy. It can be eaten but must be prepared carefully and picked young to avoid sharp spines. Toxic to cattle and is the responsibility of farmers/ ranchers to eliminate on their land or face fines in some counties/states.
Forums / Catholic General Discussion / Re: Favorite prophet of the Old Testament
on: November 29, 2014, 02:20:18 AM
I like Elijah, too!  I have a little shrine with an icon of him that sits on my desk where I read and pray or just sit. The image is of the story where ravens bring him bread. Our parish priest, suggested I read about him and I have been hooked ever since 
Forums / Prayer Requests / Please pray for dying parishioner
on: November 21, 2014, 01:06:59 AM
Please pray for Ken Johanek, he is dying from a series of strokes, has been bed bound for the last two years. He is not expected to live through the weekend and we were told by our priest tonight at our parish council meeting to prepare for a funeral next week. Please pray for a happy death for Ken. I held his hand many times while he told me how badly he wants to go home to Our Lord. Thank you for your prayers!