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Forums / Everything Else / Re: Updated list of traditional Catholic items for sale...
on: September 11, 2021, 08:46:30 AM
It is very sad to read this post. I hope you're ok. I suppose money isn't a major issue for you, but would like to help, although I'm retired with limited income and space. I will write direct if I can think of buyers, and will share your list with friends.
Really appreciate it! Thanks
Forums / Everything Else / Updated list of traditional Catholic items for sale...
on: August 28, 2021, 09:03:22 PM
Just wanted to ask if I could sell some Catholic materials here. I have all new Bibles, handmade Rosaries and much more. I purchased these, along with others, months ago. I bought them all from traditional Catholic sellers like Tan Publication and Bonaventure.
I have these for sale: All new unopened... unless noted
Douay-Rheims Clementina Vulgata Bible Black Leather/Gold Trim ....65.00+10 shipping
Douay-Rheims Bible Red Leather Pocket Size 26.00+ 8 shipping
Divine Intimacy Black Leather...25.00+9 shipping
The Spiritual Life Black Leather...25.00+9 shipping
Catholism Explained Red Hardback...20.00+8 shipping
Maximus the Confessor Hardback...15.00+8 shipping
Minor Excosism and Deliverance Prayers Soft Cover...10.00+8 shipping
Lives of the Saints Soft Cover... 10.00+7 shipping
Devotion to the Scared Heart Soft Cover...10.00+8 shipping
Clerical Dress and Insignia Hardback... 25.00+9 shipping
Raccolta Hardback (like new) 10.00+7 shipping
A Year With the Angels (like new)... 7.00+7.00 shipping
Ten Battles Every Catholic Should Know... 5.00+7.00 shipping
The Latin Mass Explained Soft Cover... 10.00+8 shipping
Baltimore Catechism (4 volume set from Tan) 28.00+8 shipping
Rosary...Our Lady Sorrows Chaplet ...handmade by Carmilte nuns... 40.00+9 shipping
Rosary ( 5 decade )....Mother of Pearl Beads & Handmade by Carmilte nuns...50.00+9 shipping
I have some more but that's enough right now. If you want pictures....send me a message.
Forums / Catholic General Discussion / Re: What form of contemplation prayer is in Vitalis Lehodey O.C.R. The Ways of Menta
on: June 12, 2021, 08:32:54 AM
Hello Uriel, The Ways of Mental Prayer by Right Reverend Dom Vitalis Lehodey Abbot of Bricquebec O.C.R is a wonderful book that teaches the different methods, obstacles and examples of mental prayer. The book deals well with the different kinds of mental prayer. It is a very well written book and I have enjoyed reading it, it has sparked many wonderful moments of awe and wholeheartedly recommend it to all. The method you are referring to is silent meditation or silent contemplation, depending on the activity you undertake in your mind. You should not shut out God's Word out of your mind because it is in God's Word that we come to know His will through the guidance of God's Spirit.
Through silent contemplation, if done with the right intent, does not shut down or lock out God's words but just the opposite. The process allows one to truly open up to God and better hear his word. No need for one to constantly repeat vocal words or use imagination. Probably, the highest level of prayer but not for everyone. I just thought this book spoke of silent contemplation...but not.
Forums / Catholic General Discussion / Re: For litanies and prayers can "us" be replaced by "me or I"?
on: June 04, 2021, 11:21:52 PM
For example in most litanies the word "us" is used..."Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world have mercy on us." When praying the litany solo can the "us" be replaced by "me" or in other cases replaced by "I"?
Not being greedy or anything of the sort. Just when praying a litany or prayer could/should it reflect on either it being said as part of a group or solo individual?
The Doctor of the Church Peter Damian says that even a hermit ought to pray saying "have mercy on us" because we ought to pray for the Church and as a Church. We are not individuals each working out our salvation in isolation but one holy body, with many members. Furthermore you ought to have love for those who are not present. Another example In the second half of the Angelic Salutation, nobody would dare say "pray for me, a sinner now" but the proper indulgences form is "pray for us sinners now" this is because we are asking Mary to pray for all sinners. In regard to your question, Jesus is the Lamb of God who takes away the sins of the world. Not just your sins but those of the whole world and so you are praying that Jesus would show mercy to the whole world, not just to you. Blessed are the merciful for they shall obtain mercy. Praying for others is a spiritual work of mercy. You are a member of the Church and so you must pray as the Church, not just for yourself but for others, that your heart may receive the effusion of divine grace through holy love for mankind. Thanks Benedict. Makes it perfectly clear now.
Forums / Catholic General Discussion / For litanies and prayers can "us" be replaced by "me or I"?
on: June 04, 2021, 12:11:26 PM
For example in most litanies the word "us" is used..."Lamb of God who take away the sins of the world have mercy on us." When praying the litany solo can the "us" be replaced by "me" or in other cases replaced by "I"?
Not being greedy or anything of the sort. Just when praying a litany or prayer could/should it reflect on either it being said as part of a group or solo individual?
Forums / Book Study / Re: The Cloud of Unknowing
on: June 02, 2021, 01:12:39 AM
How ever I came upon this book I am not sure, but I had ordered a copy and now await it's arrival. All the years I spent in zen meditation...if only I new then what I know now.
We are meant to be saints/mystics but very few even try. And of those that do attempt this wonderous thing most fail. I really think this book might be the key that unlocks our spiritual enlightenment and closes the gap between the scholastic/ritual rites of the Church and a true Christian mystical life.
Forums / Book Study / The Cloud of Unknowing
on: June 01, 2021, 09:43:07 PM
Has anyone read this book or have comments about it? "The Cloud of Unknowing describes the contemplative method centered around eliminating all noise and images from the mind, and in that encounter with nothingness, finding God. Meanwhile, despite the austerity of the content, the style of the author is warm and congenial and eminently readable. Patrick J. Gallacher further makes this text accessible to students and teachers by including a gloss, introduction, notes, and glossary. This text gives a great introduction to the ethos of mysticism in the middle ages."
Forums / Catholic General Discussion / How to pick the best Chaplets...not enough time to say them all
on: May 14, 2021, 07:55:19 PM
At present, I find myself saying the Angel Crown chaplet, Uriel chaplet, Seven Dolors of Mary chaplet and the Rosery. I also ordered a Sacred Heart chaplet and will add that also to my other ones and other daily prayers.
At times I feel that I am overdoing it or overwhelmed with having to say all them in the course of one day.
I also have a full time job and family.
Why are there so many Chaplets, that are divinely inspired, when it is impossible to say them all?
Are there certain chaplets that are more important than others?
What are your thoughts and what chaplets do you reciet?