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 on: Today at 02:06:48 AM 
Started by Shin - Last post by Shin
'According to the rules of the fathers and ancient monks, whoever wishes to advance in perfection must hold the world in no reputation.'

St. Philip Neri

 on: Today at 02:06:37 AM 
Started by Shin - Last post by Shin
'The fear of God compels us to fight against evil; and when we fight against evil, the grace of God destroys it.'

St. Mark the Ascetic

 on: Yesterday at 06:10:47 PM 
Started by CyrilSebastian - Last post by CyrilSebastian
Zechariah is a contemporary of the prophets Ezekiel and Jeremiah.   
Zechariah is the eleventh of the Minor Prophets, the last twelve books of the Old Testament.

 on: Yesterday at 04:29:18 AM 
Started by Shin - Last post by Shin
'Know that He wishes more love than fear from you. Therefore, abandon yourself to His love, and let Him act in you, with you and for you, according to His desire and good pleasure.'

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

 on: Yesterday at 04:29:06 AM 
Started by Shin - Last post by Shin
'He who beholds Heaven with a pure eye, sees better the darkness of earth; for, although the latter seems to have some brilliancy, it disappears before the splendor of the heavens.'

St. Ignatius of Loyola

 on: December 05, 2024, 06:23:43 PM 
Started by Therese - Last post by CyrilSebastian
By the fourth century, the first written evidence of Advent is found in Hispania (Spain) and Gaul (Europe).

 on: December 05, 2024, 03:13:53 AM 
Started by Shin - Last post by Shin
'My only desire would be to remain in silence, or else to speak only of God, for in this my heart takes so great a delight that it can never tire of so doing.'

St. Margaret Mary Alacoque

 on: December 05, 2024, 03:13:32 AM 
Started by Shin - Last post by Shin
'Since they attack the very root of faith either by openly denying, hypocritically undermining, or misrepresenting revealed doctrine, we should above all recall the truth Charles often taught. "The primary and most important duty of pastors is to guard everything pertaining to the integral and inviolate maintenance of the Catholic Faith, the faith which the Holy Roman Church professes and teaches, without which it is impossible to please God." Again: "In this matter no diligence can be too great to fulfill the certain demands of our office." We must therefore use sound doctrine to withstand "the leaven of heretical depravity," which if not repressed, will corrupt the whole. That is to say, we must oppose these erroneous opinions now deceitfully being scattered abroad, which, when taken all together, are called Modernism. With Charles we must be mindful "of the supreme zeal and excelling diligence which the bishop must exercise in combating the crime of heresy."'

Pope St. Pius X, 'Editae Saepe'

 on: December 04, 2024, 06:38:37 PM 
Started by Shin - Last post by CyrilSebastian
From all eternity the Blessed Trinity, looking forward to the fall of man,   
had decreed that the Eternal Word should clothe himself with human flesh,   
and should be born into the world in order to repair the evil that man had wrought.   
 :principalities: :principalities: :principalities: :principalities: :principalities: :principalities: :principalities: :principalities: :principalities:

 on: December 04, 2024, 08:01:40 AM 
Started by Shin - Last post by Shin
'Let us make ourselves as children with Jesus, hiding ourselves in our nothingness; let us be humble and simple as children by an exact obedience, by purity of heart, by love of holy poverty by a love of sufferings, and, above all, by childlike simplicity in the faithful observance of our rules and constitutions, and let us not take the liberty to interpret them broadly nor in any other sense than their own. Narrow is the way that leadeth to life. Let us allow ourselves to be guided and used by our superiors, whom God has placed over us for our government and direction. Thus we shall be true imitators of the Child Jesus, Who abandoned Himself in everything to the care of His Mother, the most holy and immaculate Virgin Mary. By these beautiful virtues you will render yourselves worthy to partake of the banquet of angels.'

St. Paul of the Cross

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