'Remember that even as priests are clothed with the power and authority of God, so too they should be filled with His holiness, love, Charity, and other divine perfections... Truly the priest is another Christ living and walking on earth. Consequently his life should be a perfect image of that of the Savior, or rather a continuation of Our Lord's life.'
'Keep yourself in the presence of our Lord, not only during prayer, but also at other times, as a disciple before his Master, anxious to do His Will by giving up his own.'
{A} Rose Fisherman's Friend {B} A shrub rose that has dark red roses {C} John Chapter 6 Verse 9 'Here is a small boy with five barley loaves and two fish; but what is that among so many?'
'The more we are afflicted in this world, the greater is our assurance in the next; the more sorrow in the present, the greater will be our joy in the future.'
'When seculars have once chosen their secular state, let them persevere in it, and in the devout exercises which they have begun, and in their works of charity, and they shall have contentment at their death.'