Some reminders for new members as the new year comes upon us.
We have disabled links posting here, so if you try to post a link, it will generate an error message.
Please read the full announcements on these subjects, and abide by the spirit as well as the letter of this rule, which helps us be holier and safer.
Image posting is disabled, with the exception of images that are uploaded to the Gallery, which can then be used in posts after approval.
Images must meet the modesty policies, as can and should be read in the announcements, and more fully treated in the Modesty section accessible from the Saints' Works' front page. A few good images to inspire us are more than enough.
Let's all remember that we are here to support one another in the love of Christ, and to learn more and more about God and the spiritual life through the saints.
Let's look thoughtfully at what they have to say, keeping their words in our hearts, and sharing some of the gifts we find in them together.
Gratitude for the gifts of God is the secret to happiness!
'By habitually thinking of the presence of God, we succeed in praying twenty-four hours a day.'
St. Paul of the Cross