A new book:
'Balls and Dancing Parties Condemned by the Scriptures, Holy Fathers, Holy Councils and Most Reknowned Theologians of the Church by Abbe Henri-Louis Hulot' . . . has been added to Saints' Books.
'"I know," said St. John Chrysostom, "'I know, that by condemning dances, and wishing to abolish them, I will appear ridiculous to many, and that I will be accused of want of spirit and sense; nevertheless, I cannot keep silence, for all that. Perhaps that if all do not profit by what I believe myself obliged to say, at least some will be converted, and will prefer to be mocked at with us than to mock and laugh at us with a laugh worthy of eternal punishments, and to be punished by tears in hell. I will suffer then to be the object of the raillery of many, if my discourse may be fruitful to a few.'
'The Bible, the Holy Fathers, and theologians make no difference between public and private dances; they teach unanimously that they are equally illicit.'