James - a humble servant
A son of St. Dominic
Hero Member
Posts: 1911
~ Matthew 20: 28 ~
« on: May 12, 2014, 06:11:37 PM » |
This is a place to post any writings that are Latin with the English translation with it. Enjoy !
O Sanctissima O most holy one
O Sanctíssima, O piíssima, O most holy, O most obedient, Dulcis Virgo Maríæ! Sweet Virgin Mary. Mater Amáta intemeráta Mother loving, fearless, Ora, ora pro nobis. Pray, pray for us.
Tu solátium, et refúgium, You are our solace, our refuge, Virgo Mater María! Virgin Mother, Mary, Quid quid optamus, in te speramus, We hope in you for all our needs Ora, ora pro nobis. Pray, pray for us.
Ecce débiles, per quam flébiles, Behold the weak, and weary, Salva nos, O María! Save us O Mary, Tolle languóres, pelle dolóres, Take our pains, take our sorrows, Ora, ora pro nobis. Pray, pray for us.
Tota pulchra es O María, O Mary, you are full of beauty, et mácula non est in te, and spotless. Mater Amáta, intemeráta, Mother so loving and fearless, Ora, ora pro nobis Pray, pray for us.
Sicut lílium inter spinas, Like a Lilly amid thorns, sic María inter fílias, so are you, O Mary, among daughters. Mater Amáta, intemeráta, Mother most loving, fearless, Ora, ora pro nobis. Pray, pray for us.
In miséria, in angústia, In times of misery and anguish Ora Virgo pro nobis, pro nobis Pray for us, O Virgin, Ora in mortis hora, Pray at the time of our death. Ora, ora pro nobis. Pray, pray for us.
Virgo réspice, Mater, áspice, O Virgin, look now and at the past Audi nos, O María! Hear us, O Mary, Tu medicínam Portas divínam, You are the medicine leading to the gates of heaven Ora, ora pro nobis. Pray, pray for us.