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Quote for the Night
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Topic: Quote for the Night (Read 859136 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #400 on:
June 07, 2014, 09:31:23 AM »
'It is simply impossible to lead, without the aid of prayer, a virtuous life.'
St. John Chrysostom
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 21537
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #401 on:
June 13, 2014, 07:56:43 AM »
'The promised land is the kingdom of heaven whose ambassadors are dispassion and spiritual knowledge.'
St. Thalassios the Libyan
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
Hero Member
Posts: 21537
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #402 on:
June 18, 2014, 01:01:51 AM »
'If, on going to the garden to pluck some fruits, you were surprised by a heavy rain, what would you do? You would seek shelter under the shed, would you not? So when sorrow, bitterness, tribulation, rain down upon you, you must seek a refuge in the safe asylum of the will of God, and you shall not be troubled.'
St. Paul of the Cross
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
James - a humble servant
A son of St. Dominic
Hero Member
Posts: 1911
~ Matthew 20: 28 ~
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #403 on:
June 19, 2014, 04:13:00 AM »
"Know that the greatest service that man can offer to God is to help convert souls."
~ St. Rose of Lima
"O my God, you and you alone are all wise and all knowing! You know, you have determined everything that will happen to us from first to last. You have ordered things in the wisest way, and you know what will be my lot year by year until I die. You know how long I have to live. You know how I shall die. You have precisely ordained everything, sin excepted. Every event of my life is the best for me that it could be, for it comes from you. You bring me on year by year, by your wonderful Providence, from youth to age, with the most perfect wisdom, and with the most perfect love."
~ Bl. John Henry Cardinal Newman
"O Holy Lord grant me the graces and helps I need to be faithful to all of the responsibilities and duties of my vocation and my state in life and in the faithful living of the true Spiritual Life. Amen."
~ St. Thomas Aquinas
Hero Member
Posts: 21537
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #404 on:
June 20, 2014, 08:07:52 PM »
'As for those who radiate the beauty of the soul, the longer time goes by and test their proper nobility, the warmer they make their husband's love and the more they strengthen their affection for him. Since this is so, and since a warm and genuine friendship holds between them, every kind of immorality is driven out. Not even any thought of wantonness ever enters the mind of the man who truly loves his own wife, but he continues always content with her. By his chastity he attracts the good will and protection of God for his whole household. This is how the good men of ancient times used to take wives, seeking nobility of soul rather than monetary wealth.'
St. John Chrysostom
St. Rose pray for us!
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
James - a humble servant
A son of St. Dominic
Hero Member
Posts: 1911
~ Matthew 20: 28 ~
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #405 on:
June 20, 2014, 11:43:23 PM »
Amen, Amen.
"O Holy Lord grant me the graces and helps I need to be faithful to all of the responsibilities and duties of my vocation and my state in life and in the faithful living of the true Spiritual Life. Amen."
~ St. Thomas Aquinas
Hero Member
Posts: 21537
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #406 on:
June 21, 2014, 02:31:20 PM »
'Would that I could set the whole world on fire with the love of God!'
St. Paul of the Cross
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
Hero Member
Posts: 21537
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #407 on:
June 24, 2014, 03:01:59 AM »
'I find myself threatened by new combats. . . Storms succeed each other, darkness increases, fears do not vanish, demons harass me, men slander me, combats within, fears without, darkness, coldness, tepidity, desolation. What can one do in the midst of so many dangers? Ah! death is more desirable than life. Yes, if such is the will of God, may the door of a blessed eternity open to me! I know not which way to turn; however, I have faith and confidence that God will accomplish His work in a wonderful way.'
St. Paul of the Cross
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
James - a humble servant
A son of St. Dominic
Hero Member
Posts: 1911
~ Matthew 20: 28 ~
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #408 on:
July 09, 2014, 04:34:56 AM »
"Young people need the light of watchful guides to lead them on the path of salvation."
~ St. John Baptist de la Salle
"O Holy Lord grant me the graces and helps I need to be faithful to all of the responsibilities and duties of my vocation and my state in life and in the faithful living of the true Spiritual Life. Amen."
~ St. Thomas Aquinas
Hero Member
Posts: 21537
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #409 on:
July 09, 2014, 04:35:29 AM »
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
Hero Member
Posts: 21537
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #410 on:
July 09, 2014, 08:20:13 PM »
'In the name of Jesus Christ, I bless you soul and body. I bless your body and all its senses. I bless your eyes, in order that they may always be modest by never looking at any object that may lead you into temptation; I therefore specially bless your eyes. (Here the blessing is given with the crucifix.) I bless your ears, that you may never misuse them by listening to things that offend God. I bless your mouth, that you may never employ it in uttering blasphemies, imprecations, immodest words, and wicked songs. (Here a second blessing is given.) I bless your feet, that when you can you may come to church to make mental prayer, as also visits to the Blessed Sacrament and to the Blessed Virgin. I bless your hands. Young people, raise your hands: I wish to bless them. (Again the blessing is given towards the men.) I bless all your children; devote yourselves to their sanctification, in order that one day you may find them all together in paradise.'
St. Alphonsus Maria de Liguori
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
James - a humble servant
A son of St. Dominic
Hero Member
Posts: 1911
~ Matthew 20: 28 ~
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #411 on:
July 09, 2014, 08:48:39 PM »
Amen, amen !
Beautiful, just beautiful !
"O Holy Lord grant me the graces and helps I need to be faithful to all of the responsibilities and duties of my vocation and my state in life and in the faithful living of the true Spiritual Life. Amen."
~ St. Thomas Aquinas
Hero Member
Posts: 21537
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #412 on:
July 10, 2014, 11:07:29 PM »
'The law of our Lord is immaculate, converting souls:
the testimony of our Lord is faithful, giving Wisdom to little ones.
The justices of our Lord be right, rejoicing the heart:
the precept of our Lord lightsome; illuminating the eyes.
The fear of our Lord is pure, lasting forever and ever:
the judgments of our Lord are true, justified in themselves.
To be desired above gold, than much precious stone:
and sweeter above honey and the honeycomb.'
Ps. 18:8-11
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
Hero Member
Posts: 21537
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #413 on:
July 15, 2014, 02:57:25 AM »
'On our second day out, after the storm had calmed and the rain stopped, I took out my breviary and said Matins and the little hours. When I had finished my prayers, an English gentleman walked over. He said that he was a Catholic and liked priests. After we had chatted awhile he went to his cabin, and in a short time I saw him coming toward me with some silver coins on a tray. When I saw him, I thought, "What are you going to do? Will you accept the money or not?" I said to myself, "You don't need it, but those poor Spaniards do; so take it and give it to them." And that is just what I did. I accepted it, thanked the man, and went to divide it among those poor people, who went at once to the kitchen or refreshment counter to buy whatever food they needed.
Other passengers did the same. They gave me money and I distributed it to the others, not keeping so much as a penny for myself although it had been intended for me. I didn't take a mouthful of the food they had bought; I was content with my water-soaked bread. The Englishman was very edified when he saw how poor and detached I was and how the others were eating food that they had bought with the money I'd given them, while I ate none of it. He told me that he was getting off at Leghorn and traveling overland to Rome. He gave me a card on which he had written his name and the address of the palazzo in which he would be staying and told me to come and see him and he would give me whatever I needed.
This whole adventure confirmed what I had already believed: that the best and most effective means to edify and move people is good example, poverty, detachment, fasting, mortification, and self denial. Since this English gentleman was traveling in Oriental luxury, with his coach, servants, birds, and dogs aboard, one might imagine that my appearance would move him to contempt. But the sight of a priest who was poor, detached, and mortified moved him so deeply that he couldn't do enough for me. And not only he but all the passengers showed me great respect and veneration. Perhaps if they had seen me rubbing elbows with them at table, and ordering rich and elegant dishes, they would have criticized and looked down on me as I often saw them do with others. Virtue, it would seem, is so necessary for a priest that even the wicked want us to be good.'
St. Anthony Mary Claret
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
Hero Member
Posts: 21537
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #414 on:
July 21, 2014, 12:50:02 PM »
'I resolve in the first place to remain continually in the presence of God and to ask myself frequently if I would do this or that if my confessor or superior were watching me and especially if God and my guardian angel were present.'
St. Conrad of Parzham, resolutions in the novitiate
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
Hero Member
Posts: 21537
Re: Quote for the Night
Reply #415 on:
July 22, 2014, 11:53:53 AM »
'If some obvious sinner who does not repent has suffered nothing before his death, you may be sure that judgment in his case will be merciless.'
St. Mark the Ascetic
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
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Quote for the Night
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