It takes time to study the Faith.. books.. and it is always helpful to have someone knowledgeable to discuss it with.. or at least faithful, so that, you can walk the journey together.
At the same time I'm reminded of one of the desert fathers, encountering a meeting of young monks.. who spoke, and spoke, and spoke about so many things.. but without depth of understanding..
Enthusiasm is good.. Prudence is good too. Together!
What this is truly reminding me of is how cautious we have to be when speaking about matters of the Faith we do not understand well.. that is, so that we do not say something that is untrue, contrary to dogma, or similar..
I like it when people caveat their statements.. 'I believe.. ' 'I think..' 'Unless there's something I don't know'.. at times, or further..
It's a good thing to use disclaimers at times..
There are a number of good catechisms up on
But the catechisms are not everything..
There's so much I do not understand.
I hope that these forums will help us all to understand and to know further how little we know.
Or perhaps as an aunt of mine put it, 'It's better not to know and to know that you don't know, than to know and not to know that you know, or not to know and not to know that you don't know.'

Try saying that three times fast.

But is it really better?