I am in the process of preparing what should be a regular little newsletter to notify people of the latest topics and additions and best works available through the Saints' series of websites.
I hope everyone enjoys it!
It will include a few charming and inspirational quotations and readings, as well as a list of some of the popular threads of discussion here.
I'm going to email it out very soon, and post a notice here, or perhaps the entire newsletter when it is sent out.
This first draft may have technical problems being viewed in some email programs. These we'll be able to correct as time goes by and we learn the quirks and what works best.
If you wish to receive the newsletter, you must have 'Receive forum announcements and important notifications by email' in your 'Notifications and Email' settings checked. This is found off your profile.
By unchecking it you should not receive any updates nor newsletter.
And if it works any differently, I'll fix it! Please say a prayer that this will work out well.