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Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
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Topic: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2 (Read 665414 times)
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1168 on:
February 20, 2013, 10:55:01 AM »
February 20
Today we remember
Saint Amata of Assisi
Among many other Saints.
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1169 on:
February 20, 2013, 10:58:32 AM »
Saint Amata of Assisi
Amata was a niece of Saint Clare of Assisi.
She reportedly had a misspent youth.
Then one time, she became very ill and was miraculously healed by her aunt Clare.
That healing proved the turning point in her life.
She entered a Poor Clare monastery and became a Poor Clare nun like other relatives of hers.
She died in 1250.
Saint Amata of Assisi.
Pray for us!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1170 on:
February 21, 2013, 10:40:11 AM »
February 21
Today we remember
Saint Pepin of Landen
Among many other Saints
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1171 on:
February 21, 2013, 10:43:09 AM »
Saint Pepin of Landen
Duke of Brabant
Often called Pippin
Pepin was the husband of Saint Ida of Nivelles( Ita; Itta), and the father of Saint Gertrude of Nivelles and Saint Begga of Ardenne. He served as mayor of the palace under Kings Clotaire II, Dogobert I and Sigebert III and was a well known political figure during the reigns of these kings. Pepin was also a close ally of Bishop Arnulf or Metz. The two ally aided King Clotaire II of Neustria to overthrow Queen Brunhilda of Austrasia in 613 . For their role in this political maneuver, Clotaire appointed them
mayors of the palace to rule Austrasia for Clotaire’s son Dogobert I from 623. In 629, Dogobert duly succeeded his father. Following an incident in which Pepin reprimanded Dogobert for his adulterous life, he was exiled from the court and he retired to Aquitaine. Soon he was recalled and Dogobert appointed him tutor of his 3 year old son, Sigebert, before he died in 638. Pepin returned and ruled the kingdom until his own death.
Pepin worked to spread the faith and defended the interest of the Church, choosing only responsible men to fill vacant seats.
He was reportedly an ancestor of Charlemagne.
Pepin died in 646
Saint Pepin of Landen
Pray for us
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1172 on:
February 22, 2013, 04:20:41 PM »
February 22
Today we remember
The Martyrs of Arabia
Among many other Saints and martyrs
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1173 on:
February 22, 2013, 04:24:36 PM »
Martyrs of Arabia
Today is a memorial for all the Christians who died for the faith in the lands east of the Jordan River and in the mountainous regions south of the Dead Sea. Most were martyred in the persecutions during reign of Emperor Valerius Maximianus Galerius( a co-emperor from 305-311). They were commemorated in the Roman Martyrology.
Martyrs of Arabia,
Pray for us!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1174 on:
February 23, 2013, 05:40:49 AM »
February 23
Today we remember
Saint Serenus the Gardener
Among many other Saints
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1175 on:
February 23, 2013, 05:45:07 AM »
Saint Serenus the Gardener
Also known as Cerneuf the Gardener, Sireno the Gardener and Sinero the Gardener. He was born in Greece. He reportedly fled to Sirmiun,(? Yugoslavia ? Hungary). He lived there as a hermit and became very well known for the beauty of his garden. According to legend, he went into hiding for a time to escape the persecutions of Christians that had just began. On returning, he rebuked a lady for walking in his garden at a time that was not appropriate. The woman reported the incident to her husband who was a member of the imperial guards. She said Serenus had insulted her. The husband reported the matter to the Emperor Maximian. The Emperor ordered an investigation into the matter. The governor, who did the investigation, found Serenus innocent of insulting the woman. During the process of investigation, however, Serenus’ Christian Faith was revealed. He was ordered to sacrifice to pagan gods. He refused, and was sentenced to death.
He was beheaded on 23 February 303 at Sirmiun.
Saint Serenus.
Pray for us!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 21604
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1176 on:
February 23, 2013, 01:42:08 PM »
St. Serenus again!
St. Serenus, pray for us!
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1177 on:
February 24, 2013, 05:59:26 AM »
Quote from: Shin on February 23, 2013, 01:42:08 PM
St. Serenus again!
St. Serenus, pray for us!
I love Saints who are called "Gardeners". I remember one such saint who welcomed his executioners overnight and revealed himself only in the morning to his visitors! I forget his name now
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1178 on:
February 24, 2013, 06:05:51 AM »
February 24
Today we remember
Saint Adela
Among many other Saints
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1179 on:
February 24, 2013, 06:07:20 AM »
Saint Adela
English Princess
Adela was the youngest daughter of King William the Conqueror of England.
In 1080, she married Stephen of Blois, France. She reportedly played an active role in English politics throughout her life. She was famed for giving to the churches and monastic institutions.
Adela died in 1137 .
Saint Adela
Pray for us!
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 21604
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1180 on:
February 24, 2013, 06:20:01 AM »
St. Adela pray for us!
Yes I remember reading about whom you are thinking..
It was in the lives of the desert fathers if I recall correctly.. but who..
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
Hero Member
Posts: 21604
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1181 on:
February 24, 2013, 06:38:04 AM »
SERENUS was by birth a Grecian. He quitted estate, friends, and country to serve God in an ascetic life, that is, in celibacy, penance, and prayer. Coming with this design to Sirmium, in Pannonia or Hungary, he there bought a garden which he cultivated with his own hands, and lived on the fruits and herbs it produced.
The apprehension of the persecution made him hide himself for some months; after which he returned to his garden. On a certain day, there came thither a woman, with her two daughters, to walk. Serenus seeing them come up to him: "What do you seek here?" "I take a particular satisfaction," she replied, "in walking in this garden." "A lady of your quality," said Serenus, "ought not to walk here at unseasonable hours, and this you know is an hour you ought to be at home. Some other design brought you hither. Let me advise you to withdraw, and be more regular in your hours and conduct for the future, as decency requires in persons of your gender and condition."
It was usual for the Romans to repose themselves at noon, as it is still the custom in Italy. The woman stung at our saint's charitable remonstrance, retired in confusion, but resolved on revenging the supposed affront. She accordingly writes to her husband, who belonged to the guards of the Emperor Maximian, to complain of Serenus as having insulted her. Her husband, on receiving her letter, went to the emperor to demand justice, and said: "Whilst we are waiting on your majesty's person, our wives in distant countries are insulted." Whereupon the emperor gave him a letter to the governor of the province to enable him to obtain satisfaction. With this letter he set out for Sirmium, and presented it to the governor, conjuring him, in the name of the emperor his master, to revenge the affront offered to him in the person of his wife during his absence. "And who is that insolent man," said the magistrate, "who durst insult such a gentleman's wife?" "It is," said he, "a vulgar pitiful fellow, one Serenus, a gardener."
The governor ordered him to be immediately brought before him, and asked him his name: 'It is Serenus," said he. The judge said: "Of what profession are you?" He answered: "l am a gardener." The governor said: "How durst you have the insolence and boldness to affront the wife of this officer?" Serenus: "I never insulted any woman, to my knowledge, in my life." The governor then said: "Let the witnesses be called in to convict this fellow of the affront he offered this lady in a garden." Serenus, hearing the garden mentioned, recalled this woman to mind, and answered: "I remember that some time ago, a lady came into my garden at an unseasonable hour, with a design, as she said, to take a walk, and I own I took the liberty to tell her it was against decency for one of her gender and quality to be abroad at such an hour."
This plea of Serenus having put the officer to the blush for his wife's action, which was too plain an indication of her wicked purpose and design, he dropped his prosecution against the innocent gardener, and withdrew out of court. But the governor, understanding by this answer that Serenus was a man of virtue, suspected by it that he might be a Christian, such being the most likely, he thought, to resent visits from ladies at improper hours.
Wherefore, instead of discharging him, he began to question him on this head, saying: "Who are you, and what is your religion?" Serenus, without hesitating one moment, answered: "I am a Christian." The governor said: "Where have you concealed yourself? and how have you avoided sacrificing to the gods?" "It has pleased God,' replied Serenus, "to reserve me for this present time. It seemed awhile ago as if he rejected me as a stone unfit to enter his building, but he has the goodness to take me now to be placed in it; I am ready to suffer all things for his name, that I may have a part in his kingdom with his saints."
The governor, hearing this generous answer, burst into rage, and said: "Since you sought to elude by flight the emperor's edicts, and have positively refused to sacrifice to the gods, I condemn you for these crimes to lose your head." The sentence was no sooner pronounced, but the saint was carried off and led to the place of execution, where he was beheaded, on the 23rd of February, in 307.
The ancient Martyrology attributed to St. Jerome, published at Lucca by Florentinius, joins with him sixty-two others, who, at different times, were crowned at Sirmium. The Roman Martyrology, with others, says seventy-two.
The garden affords a beautiful emblem of a Christian's continual progress in the path of virtue. Plants always mount upwards, and never stop in their growth till they have attained to that maturity which the author of nature has prescribed: all the nourishment they receive ought to tend to this end; if any part waste itself in superfluities, this is a kind of disease.
So in a Christian, every thing ought to carry him towards that perfection which the sanctity of his state requires; and every desire of his soul, every action of his life, to be a step advancing to this in a direct line. When all his inclinations have one uniform bent, and all his labours the same tendency, his progress must be great, because uninterrupted, however imperceptible it may often appear. Even his temporal affairs must be undertaken with this intention, and so conducted as to fall within the compass of this his great design.
The saints so regulated all their ordinary actions, their meals, their studies, their conversation and visits, their business and toil, whether tilling a garden or superintending an estate, as to make the love of God their motive, and the accomplishment of his will their only ambition in every action. All travail which leadeth not towards this end is but so much of life mispent and lost, whatever names men may give to their political or military achievements, study of nature, knowledge of distant shores, or cunning in the mysteries of trade, or arts of conversation. Though such actions, when of duty, fall under the order of our salvation, and must be so moderated, directed, and animated with a spirit of religion, as to be made means of our sanctification.
But in a Christian life the exercises of devotion, holy desires, and tender affections, which proceed from a spirit of humble compunction, and an ardent love of our Saviour, and by which a soul raises herself up to, and continually sighs after him, and what every one ought most assiduously and most earnestly to study to cultivate. By these is the soul daily more and more purified, and all her powers united to God, and made heavenly. These are properly the most sweet and beautiful flowers of paradise, or of a virtuous life.
- Butler's [edited]
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1182 on:
February 25, 2013, 11:04:31 AM »
Quote from: Shin on February 24, 2013, 06:20:01 AM
St. Adela pray for us!
Yes I remember reading about whom you are thinking..
It was in the lives of the desert fathers if I recall correctly.. but who..
Yes, who?
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
Hero Member
Posts: 16331
Re: Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
Reply #1183 on:
February 25, 2013, 11:07:44 AM »
February 25
Today we remember
Saint Caesarius of Nanzianzen
Among many other Saints
Jesus, Jesus, Jesus!
Inspirational Quotes from the saints:
'If men but knew Thee, O my God!'
St. Ignatius of Loyola
“Late have I loved Thee,
O Beauty ever ancient, ever new,
late have I loved Thee!......”
St. Augustine of Hippo
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Saint of the day and Feast days - Part 2
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