« on: January 19, 2010, 06:30:02 AM » |
Learn from his meekness, which would not suffer him "to break the bruised reed, or extinguish the smoking flax" Isa., xlii. 3; Matt., xii. 20; that is, to revenge the injuries he received from the weakest, the most defenceless of mankind: learn, I say, to correct the sallies of an impatient and hasty temper.
From his laborious and painful life, learn to renounce a life of softness and ease. From his modesty and humility, learn to correct the odious passions of pride and vain glory. From his zeal against the profaners of his temple, learn to present yourselves before him with respect and fear. From his fast of forty days, learn to exercise yourselves in the holy virtues of mortification and penance. From his love and charity for lost man, learn to pity the distresses of the afflicted, and to relieve their wants. From his pious and instructive conversation with his disciples, learn to converse with your neighbour in the language of piety and instruction. In a word, from his innocence and example, learn to correct every imperfection, every weakness to which you have hitherto been subject. In this manner, you will communicate in commemoration of Jesus.
Bishop Jean-Baptist Massillon, 'On the Dispositions Necessary for a Worthy Communion'