This time of year is the time for almsgiving!
Every time of year is the time for almsgiving!
Here are some suggested causes of the many needful folks you could consider:
You can donate to the
Davidson Family, of Little Flowers Family Press fame, and their work for the sake of modsty.
And you can also consider donating to support
Saints' Series of Websites work of spreading the knowledge of the saints.
Please give to those in need!
Take care to be wary of the big time secular so-called 'charities' that are popular with the world press and fund immoral works. You don't want your funds going to abortion, immodesty, impurity, etc.
Now that the Internet has websites such as gofundme, it is far easier to give alms not only in person to those who need it, but over the Internet to folks and their families in need.
Give for the sake of the Lord!