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Obsecro Te and O Intemerata
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Topic: Obsecro Te and O Intemerata (Read 41287 times)
Jr. Member
Posts: 58
Obsecro Te and O Intemerata
April 03, 2015, 02:12:05 PM »
I beseech thee O Holy Lady Mary, Mother of God most full of pity, the daughter of the highest king, mother most glorious, mother of orphans, the consolation of the desolate, the way of them that go astray, the safety of all that trust in thee, a virgin before childbearing, a virgin in childbearing, and a virgin after childbearing: the fountain of mercy, the fountain of health and grace, the fountain of consolation and pardon, the fountain of piety and gladness, the fountain of life and forgiveness. By that holy unspeakable gladness, by the which thy spirit did rejoice that hour, wherein the Son of God was unto thee by the Angel Gabriel declared and conceived. And by that holy unspeakable humility, in which thou didst answer the Archangel Gabriel: Behold the handmaid of our Lord, be it unto me according unto thy word: and by that divine mystery, which the Holy Ghost as then did work in thee: and by the unspeakable grace, pity, mercy, love, and humility by the which thy son our Lord Jesus Christ came down to take human flesh in thy most venerable womb: and by the most glorious joys, which thou hadst of thy son our Lord Jesus Christ: and by that holy and most great compassion, and most bitter grief of thy heart, which thou hadst when as thou didst behold thy son our Lord Jesus Christ, made naked before the cross, and lifted up upon the same, hanging, crucified, wounded, thirsting, and the most bitter drink of gall and vinegar put unto his mouth. Thou heardst him cry Eli, and didst see him die. And by those five wounds of the same thy son and by the sore shrinking together of thy inward parts, through the extreme grief of this wounds, and by the sorrow which thou hadst when thou didst behold him wounded. And by the fountains of his blood: and by all his passion, and sorrow of thy heart, and by the fountains of thy tears, that thou wouldst come with all the Saints and elect of God and hasten unto my help, and my counsel in all my prayers, and petitions, in all my distresses and necessities. As also in all those things, wherein I am to do anything, speak, or think, all the days and nights, hours, and moments of my life. And obtain for me thy servant of thy beloved son Our Lord Jesus Christ the accomplishment of all virtues, with all mercy, and consolation, all counsel and aid, all benediction and sanctification, all salvation, peace and prosperity, all joy and gladness: also abundance of all spiritual good things, and sufficiency of corporal, and grace of the Holy Ghost, which may well dispose me in all things, and may guard my soul, govern and protect my body, stir up my mind, order my manners, approve my acts, suggest holy cogitations, pardon my evils past, amend things present, and moderate things to come: bestow on me an honest, and chaste life, grant me faith, hope, and charity: make me firmly to believe the articles of the faith, and to observe the precepts of the law: rule and protect the senses of my body, and evermore deliver me from mortal sins, and defend me to my life's end: that he may graciously and meekly hear, and receive this prayer, and give me life everlasting. Hear and make intercession for me most sweet virgin Mary Mother of God, and Mercy. Amen.
Jr. Member
Posts: 58
Re: Obsecro Te and O Intemerata
Reply #1 on:
April 03, 2015, 02:13:05 PM »
O Untouchable, and forever blessed, singular and incomparable virgin Mary Mother of God, most grateful temple of God, the sacristy of the Holy Ghost, the gate of the kingdom of heaven, by whom next unto God the whole world liveth, incline O Mother of Mercy the ears of thy pity unto my unworthy supplications, and be pitiful to me a most wretched sinner, and be unto me a merciful helper in all things. O most blessed John, the familiar and friend of Christ, which of the same Lord Jesus Christ was chosen a virgin, and among the rest more beloved, above all instructed in the heavenly mysteries, for thou wast made a most worthy Apostle and Evangelist: thee also I call upon with Mary mother of the same Lord Jesus Christ our Saviour, that thou wouldst vouchsafe to afford me thy aid with hers. O ye two celestial jewels, Mary, and John. O ye two lights divinely shining before God. Chase away by your bright beams the clouds of my offences. For you are those two in whom the only begotten Son of God, for the merit of most sincere virginity, hanging upon the cross confirmed the privilege of his love, saying thus to the one of you: woman, behold thy son: and then unto the other: behold thy mother. In the sweetness therefore of his most sacred love, through which by our Lord's own mouth, as mother and son you were joined in one, I a most wretched sinner recommend this day to you both my body and soul that at all hours and moments, inwardly and outwardly, you would vouchsafe to be unto me firm guardians, and before God devout intercessors: ask earnestly for me I beseech you, health of body and soul. Procure I beseech you, procure by your glorious prayers, that the pure spirit, the best giver of graces, may vouchsafe to visit my heart and dwell therein, which may thoroughly purge me from all filth of vice, lighten and adorn me with sacred virtues: cause me perfectly to stand, and persevere in the love of God and my neighbour, and after the course of this life the most benign comforter may bring me to the joys of his elect, who with God the Father, and the Son liveth and reigneth world without end. Amen.
Jr. Member
Posts: 58
Re: Obsecro Te and O Intemerata
Reply #2 on:
April 03, 2015, 02:13:47 PM »
Obsecro te domina sancta Maria, mater Dei, pietate plenissima, summi regis filia, mater gloriosissima, mater orphanorum, consolatio desolatorum, via errantium, salus omnium in te sperantium: virgo ante partum, virgo in partu, et virgo post partum: fons misericordiae, fons salutis et gratiae, fons consolationis et indulgentiae, fons pietatis et laetitiae, fons vitae et veniae: per illam sanctam ineffabilem laetitiam, qua exultavit spiritus tuus in illa hora, in qua tibi per Gabrielem Archangelum annunciatus et conceptus filius Dei fuit. Et per illam sanctam ineffabilem humilitatem, in qua tu respondisti Archangelo Gabrieli: Ecce ancilla Domini, fiat mihi secundum verbum tuum: et per illud divinum mysterium, quod tunc operatus est in te Spiritus sanctus: et per ineffabilem gratiam, pietatem, misericordiam, amorem, et humilitatem, per quas filius tuus Dominus noster Iesus Christus descendit accipere humanam carnem in venerabilissimo utero tuo: et per gloriosissima gaudia, quae habuisti de filio tuo Domino nostro Iesu Christo: Et per illam sanctam et maximam compassionem, et acerbissimum cordis dolorem, quem habuisti, quando filium tuum Dominum nostrum Iesum Christum ante crucem nudatum, et in ipsa levatum pendentem, crucifixum, vulneratum; sitientem, amarissimum potum, fel et acetum ori eius apponi vidisti, Eli clamantem audisti, et morientem vidisti. Et per quinque vulnera eiusdem filii tui, et per contractionem viscerum tuorum, prae nimio dolore vulnerum suorum, et per dolorem quem habuisti, quando vidisti eum vulnerari. Et per fontes sanguinis sui: et per omnem passionem eius, et dolorem cordis tui, et per fontes lacrymarum tuarum, ut cum omnibus sanctis et electis Dei venias, et festines in auxilium, et consilium meum, in omnibus orationibus, et petitionibus meis, in omnibus angustiis, et necessitatibus meis. Et in omnibus illis rebus, in quibus ego sum aliquid facturus, locuturus, aut cogitaturus omnibus diebus ac noctibus, horis, atque momentis vitae meae. Et mihi famulo tuo impetres a dilecto filio tuo Domino nostro Iesu Christo virtutum omnium complementum, cum omnis misericordia, et consolatione, omni consilio et adiutorio, omni benedictione et sanctificatione, omni salvatione, pace et prosperitate, omni gaudio et alacritate: etiam abundantiam omnium bonorum spiritualium, et sufficentiam corporalium, et gratiam sancti spiritus, qui me bene per omnia disponat, animam meam custodiat, corpus meum regat, et protegat, mentem erigat, mores componat, actus probet, cogitationes sanctas instituat, praeterita mala indulgeat, praesentia emendet, et futura moderetur: vitam honestam, et castam mihi tribuat, fidem spem, et charitatem mihi praestet: articulos fidei firmiter credere, et praecepta legis observare me faciat. Sensus corporis mei regat et protegat, et a peccatis mortalibus me semper liberet, et defendat usque in finem meum: hanc orationem suppliciter exaudiat, et suscipiat, et vitam aeternam mihi tribuat. Audi, et intercede pro me dulcissima virgo Maria mater Dei, et misericordiae, Amen.
Jr. Member
Posts: 58
Re: Obsecro Te and O Intemerata
Reply #3 on:
April 03, 2015, 02:14:23 PM »
O Intemerata, et in aeternum benedicta, singularis atque incomparabilis virgo Dei genitrix Maria, gratissimum Dei templum, spiritus sancti sacrarium, janua regni caelorum, per quam post Deum totus vivit orbis terrarum. Inclina mater misericordia aures tuae pietatis indignis supplicationibus meis, et esto mihi miserrimo peccatori pia, et propitia in omnibus auxiliatrix. O Ioannes beatissime Christi familiaris, et amice, qui ab eodem Domino nostro Iesu Christo virgo es electus, et inter ceteros magis dilectus, atque in mysteriis caelestibus ultra omnes imbutus; Apostolus enim et Evangelista factus es praeclarissimus: Te etiam invoco cum Maria matre eiusdem Domini nostri Iesu Christi salvatoris, ut mihi opem tuam cum ipsa conferre digneris. O duae gemmae caelestes, Maria, et Ioannes. O duo luminaria divinitus ante Deum lucentia, vestris radiis scelerum meorum effugate nubila. Vos enim estis illi duo, in quibus unigenitus Dei filius ob sincerissimae virginitatis meritum, dilectionis suae confirmavit privilegium in cruce pendens, uni vestrum ita dicens: Mulier ecce filius tuus: deinde ad alium: Ecce mater tua. In huius ergo tam sacratissimi amoris dulcedine, qua tunc ore Domenico, velut mater et filius adinvicem conjuncti estis, vobis duobus ego miserrimus peccator commendo hodie corpus et animam meam: ut in omnibus horis atque momentis, interius et exterius firmi custodes, et pii apud Deum intercessores mihi existere dignemini. Poscite mihi quaeso corporis, et animae salutem. Agite quaeso, agite vestris gloriosis precibus, ut cor meum invisere, et inhabitare dignemur spiritus almus, gratiarum largitor optimus, qui me a cunctis vitiorum sordibus expruget, virtutibus sacris illustret, et exornet: in dilectione Dei et proximi mei prefecte stare, et perseverare me faciat: et post huius vitae cursum ad gaudia ducat electorum suorum benignissimus paraclitus. Qui cum Deo patre, et filio vivit et regnat in saecula saeculorum. Amen.
Hero Member
Posts: 21547
Re: Obsecro Te and O Intemerata
Reply #4 on:
April 03, 2015, 06:42:41 PM »
This is the kind of work the true Faith produces!
'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
Hero Member
Posts: 983
Re: Obsecro Te and O Intemerata
Reply #5 on:
April 11, 2015, 12:39:20 AM »
Wow! I love that prayer!
Thank you and God Bless you.
Let nothing disturb you
Hero Member
Posts: 712
Re: Obsecro Te and O Intemerata
Reply #6 on:
February 05, 2020, 03:34:49 PM »
Pray for us, St Peter the Apostle, that we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
From Prayer Book, The Catholic Press, 1959
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Obsecro Te and O Intemerata
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