« on: October 06, 2015, 11:41:32 AM » |
From some old records. . .
1. To labor individually for the glory of God's Name, and to make it known to those who are ignorant of it. 2. Never to pronounce disrespectfully the Name of Jesus. 3. To avoid blasphemy, perjury, profane and indecent language. 4. To induce their neighbors to refrain from all insults against God and His saints, and from profane and unbecoming language. 5. To remonstrate with those who blaspheme or use profane language in their presence. This must be governed by zeal, prudence and common sense. 6. Never to work or carry on business unnecessarily on Sunday. 7. To do all they can to induce their dependents to sanctify the Sunday. 8. To attend regularly the meetings and devotional exercises of the Society. 9. To communicate in a body on the Feast of the Holy Name of Jesus and on the regular Communion Sunday (2nd of the month) of the Society. 10. To have a Requiem Mass said each year, some time after the Feast of the Holy Name, for all the deceased members. All who can attend the Anniversary Mass should do so. 11. To assemble at an hour convenient to the Society every second Sunday of the month for devotional exercises, and for the transaction of business. 12. To induce every boy and young man in your parish to become a member of the Junior Holy Name Society.
Blessed be God, the Father, Son and Holy Ghost! I profess publicly my belief that Our Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God, made man for the salvation of mankind. I recognize His divine authority, and believe that all power on earth, civil and religious, comes from Him. All lawfully constituted authority I respect and promise to obey. May the God of Justice guide the minds and uphold the hands of those vested with its power. May the God of Might break asunder the bonds of those met together against the Lord. and against His Christ. In honor of His divine Name, I pledge myself against perjury, blasphemy, profanity and obscene speech. Praised be the Name of God, and blessed be the Name of His divine Son, now and forever!