Welcome to the forums Surya!

Very glad to have you here!
It's a little quiet here but there's great devotional material, and great support for a holy life.
If you haven't yet, check out the
saintsprayers.net website for prayers, and the
saintsbooks.net website, as there are prayer books there with some splendid prayers too.
The Fifteen Prayers of St. Bridget devotion of praying them every day for a year is a marvelous one for example.
An Offering of the Hearts of Jesus and Mary
by St. John EudesO Jesus, only Son of God, only Son of Mary,
I offer Thee the most loving Heart of Thy divine Mother
which is more precious and pleasing to Thee than all hearts.
O Mary, Mother of Jesus,
I offer Thee the most adorable Heart of Thy well-beloved Son,
who is the life and love and joy of Thy Heart.
Blessed be the Most Loving Heart
and Sweet Name of Our Lord Jesus Christ
and the most glorious
Virgin Mary, His Mother,
in eternity and forever.