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Author Topic: Your Prelate: Prophesy Fulfilled  (Read 1096 times)
Hero Member
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« on: August 23, 2019, 11:58:21 AM »

Dear Shin,

Praised be Jesus and Mary!

I am back with you on this forum to share with you--and with great gladness!--that I have found He whom you have in your past posts wondered about and so heavily promoted:  the Prelate Who will bring the catastrophe of our present age to its relief/solution.  His name is His Lordship Bishop Donald Jacob Sanborn.  He is Rector of Most Holy Trinity Seminary and Priest of the highest rank of Holy Orders, universal Shepherd of souls, in the Order of the High Priest Melchizedek. 

His Lordship Donald Sanborn and His Most Holy Trinity Seminary priests are so noble, so unlike their contemporaries of our day, that I do not doubt that when you make a visit--if only via computer--you will see for yourself, as in a mirror, that I am not "off the mark" in my judgment.

His Lordship Donald Sanborn is forming priests to serve our God, to bring we the faithful into fortified unity under Them, in the unity of the Most Holy Trinity, under His Lordship's spiritual rule and care, for the unification of the true Church, all of God's faithful who have been without a true Shepherd for 51 years of the Great Apostasy.

I pray that your heart will be open to receive His Lordship Donald Sanborn and His seminary priests with gladness and with an open heart of good, fertile soil, to the reception of the unction of the Holy Ghost within your soul.

You have my best wishes, in Mary Immaculate Queen,
Kathryn Marie

Seek ye therefore first the kingdom of God, and his justice, and all these things shall be added unto you (Matth. 6:33).
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