« on: August 26, 2020, 02:23:14 AM » |
Litany of the Holy Cross Lord have mercy upon us. Christ, have mercy upon us. Lord, have mercy upon us. Christ, hear us. Christ, graciously hear us. God the Father of heaven, have mercy upon us. God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy upon us. God the Holy Ghost,( the Paraclete,) have mercy upon us. Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy upon us. Sacred Cross + will of the Father, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + desire of Christ, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + communication of the Holy Ghost, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + power and wisdom of God, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + mercy and justice, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + full of the blessings of our Lord, we venerate thee Sacred Cross ladder seen by Jacob, we venerate thee Sacred Cross more healing than the brazen serpent, we venerate thee Sacred Cross key of the kingdom of heaven, we venerate thee Sacred Cross gate of Paradise, we venerate thee Sacred Cross messenger of peace, we venerate thee Sacred Cross light of the whole world, we venerate thee Sacred Cross the end of sacrifices , we venerate thee Sacred Cross abolisher of the old law, we venerate thee Sacred Cross canceller of types and figures, we venerate thee Sacred Cross ark of the New Testament, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + cross more precious than riches, we venerate thee Sacred Cross memorial of the passion of Christ, we venerate thee Sacred Cross complaint of Mary, we venerate thee Sacred Cross most holy altar, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + sacrifice of justice, we venerate thee Sacred Cross memorial of the death of our Lord, we venerate thee Sacred Cross instrument of our redemption, we venerate thee Sacred Cross vanquisher of demons, we venerate thee Sacred Cross monument of victory, we venerate thee Sacred Cross chariot of the Conqueror, we venerate thee Sacred Cross the destruction of idols, we venerate thee Sacred Cross the repairer of divine glory, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + foundation of the Church, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + buckler of faith, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + the usher of a better hope, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + delight of the world , we venerate thee Sacred Cross + attractor of all things to Christ, we venerate thee Sacred Cross reconciliation of sinners, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + our righteousness and sanctification, we venerate thee Sacred Cross ornament of Bishops, we venerate thee Sacred Cross splendor of Kings, we venerate thee Sacred Cross scepter of kingdoms, we venerate thee Sacred Cross Conqueror of its opponents, we venerate thee Sacred Cross defender of cities, we venerate thee Sacred Cross protector of families, we venerate thee Sacred Cross indissoluble bond of wedlock, we venerate thee Sacred Cross armor of widows, we venerate thee Sacred Cross guardian of orphans, we venerate thee Sacred Cross continence of virgins, we venerate thee Sacred Cross meditation of Recluses, we venerate thee Sacred Cross portion of the Clergy, we venerate thee Sacred Cross glory of the Priesthood, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + model of Pastors, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + who teaches us all truth, we venerate thee Sacred Cross the Book written within and without, we venerate thee Sacred Cross the eternal Gospel, we venerate thee Sacred Cross governess of infants, we venerate thee Sacred Cross instructor of youth, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + companion of our pilgrimage, we venerate thee Sacred Cross the sailor’s pilot, we venerate thee Sacred Cross rest of those that labor, we venerate thee Sacred Cross preserver of those that sleep, we venerate thee Sacred Cross healer of infirmities, we venerate thee Sacred Cross hope of despairing, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + light of those who sit in darkness, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + our place of refuge, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + our strong comfort, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + our help in trouble, we venerate thee Sacred Cross mirror of penitents, we venerate thee Sacred Cross reconciler of enemies, we venerate thee Sacred Cross a folly to the gentiles, we venerate thee Sacred Cross perfection of wisdom , we venerate thee Sacred Cross + a scandal to the Jews, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + mystery of faith, we venerate thee Sacred Cross scourge of heretics, we venerate thee Sacred Cross hope of Catholics, we venerate thee Sacred Cross terror of schismatics, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + bond of charity, we venerate thee Sacred Cross dread of hell, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + mark of the elect, we venerate thee Sacred Cross formidable to tyrants, we venerate thee Sacred Cross lovely to us, we venerate thee Sacred Cross chastiser of the wicked, we venerate thee Sacred Cross preserver of the just, we venerate thee Sacred Cross destroyer of the proud, we venerate thee Sacred Cross exalter of the humble, we venerate thee Sacred Cross bridle of the rich, we venerate thee Sacred Cross wealth of the poor, we venerate thee Sacred Cross extirpator of vice, we venerate thee Sacred Cross source of virtue, we venerate thee Sacred Cross appeaser of lust, we venerate thee Sacred Cross exciter of chastity, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + leaving us an example, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + prudence of spirit, we venerate thee Sacred Cross infuser of humility, we venerate thee Sacred Cross figure of abstinence, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + test of our faith, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + bearing fruit in patience, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + rule of obedience, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + inflamor of zeal, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + inciter of fervor, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + joy of the Holy Ghost, we venerate thee Sacred Cross seal of holiness, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + pledge of our inheritance, we venerate thee Sacred Cross strength of the agonizing, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + help of the dying, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + foundation of all grace, we venerate thee Sacred Cross the death of death, we venerate thee Sacred Cross the tree of life, we venerate thee Sacred Cross sign of the Son of man, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + by which the world will be judged, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + the judge of justice, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + cause of our eternal salvation, we venerate thee Sacred Cross desired object of angels, we venerate thee Sacred Cross elevation of Patriarchs, we venerate thee Sacred Cross foretold by Prophets, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + announced by the Apostles, we venerate thee Sacred Cross proclaimed by the evangelists, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + glory of Martyrs, we venerate thee Sacred Cross bright lamp of Doctors, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + narrow way of confessors, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + delight of Virgins, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + strength of holy women, we venerate thee Sacred Cross + veneration of all the saints, we venerate thee Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, spare us O Lord Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us O Lord Lamb of God, who takes away the sins of the world, have mercy on us.
Christ hear us. Christ graciously hear us.
Blessed be the wood of the Cross On which justice was made.
With the Lord there is mercy And with Him is plentiful redemption
Prayer O God, who has vouchsafed to consecrate the standard of the life-giving Cross with the precious blood of thy only begotten Son : grant, we beseech thee, that those who honor it with joy, may always rejoice under thy protection. Preserve us, we beseech thee, O Lord, in everlasting peace, whom thou hast vouchedsafed to redeem on the holy wood of the cross. Who livest and reignest, God, world without end. Amen
Christ is all, and in all