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Topic: Books submission (Read 10218 times)
Posts: 8
Books submission
May 02, 2023, 10:53:05 PM »
I found a site that hosts saints' books in alphabetical order
catholic-ebooks [dot] blogspot [dot] com
I hope you can add the books to the saints books site.
Hero Member
Posts: 715
Re: Books submission
Reply #1 on:
May 03, 2023, 07:58:21 PM »
Welcome kerrysky, thanks for the suggestion, I'll take a peak. Are you enjoying what you've found?
Posts: 8
Re: Books submission
Reply #2 on:
May 03, 2023, 09:08:08 PM »
Hero Member
Posts: 715
Re: Books submission
Reply #3 on:
May 23, 2023, 09:25:54 AM »
I've had mixed results with this, most recently an error message for another site, stlukebc which by a very curious coincidence refers to The Fountain of Catholic Wisdom which I'm thinking Benedict posted about. Here I go back to try to remember more.
Posts: 8
Re: Books submission
Reply #4 on:
May 27, 2023, 01:52:02 AM »
The broken links had been updated. You can try again.
Try the "Saints' Books by Alphabetical Order (All)" menu and the mirror links. They still work.
Catholicpdfbooks [dot] blogspot [dot] com had the updated links.
Last Edit: May 29, 2023, 06:51:05 AM by kerrysky
Hero Member
Posts: 715
Re: Books submission
Reply #5 on:
July 16, 2023, 10:21:29 AM »
I deeply regret being so slow to respond. Thanks again for this interesting post and your added comments. I'm getting a bunch of red squares with Xs in my Bing Explorer, and only very vaguely understand they mean something is wrong- maybe sync (I don't sync), or no more capacity (although this seems unlikely, the task manager is quite explicit). I don't think I've lost anything but I'm running very slow very often. Until I figure out whether to add cloud or hard-drive capacity I'm afraid to add Acrobat. Do I understand correctly this is required for access to the site?
Also very interesting-fascinating: Maria Francisca Brigitta Immaculata, Yesus, and Ultimate 4?? Can you comment? This makes me recall my long-ago reflections on the Heavenly Foursome, which probably were not altogether reverent but hopefully not blasphemous.
Posts: 8
Re: Books submission
Reply #6 on:
July 25, 2023, 06:57:47 AM »
Please don't mind the trivial details. Just take the books and go away happily. I use Android and it works fine for me. For Android there are a lot of alternatives for PDF and EPUB readers on Play Store. For PDF reader I use ComicScreen. For EPUB reader I use Skoob EPUB reader. Just look it up on Play Store. The site has complete collection of writings of the saints from A to Z to download in PDF and EPUB format. God Bless
Hero Member
Posts: 715
Re: Books submission
Reply #7 on:
July 27, 2023, 05:31:48 PM »
Many thanks for comments. I can't speak for what Shin might think of adding here, but I have enormous regard for the complexity and potential cost and risk of using either cloud or hard drive storage, and what changes in security the future may bring. For myself I'm still struggling to find reasonable priorities for next books to read. as well as what storage vehicles, and should admit I'm leaning toward those that can be accessed on-line.
Posts: 8
Re: Books submission
Reply #8 on:
July 19, 2024, 12:21:19 AM »
Hero Member
Posts: 715
Re: Books submission
Reply #9 on:
July 20, 2024, 10:32:46 PM »
Hello, welcome back. I hope you've been well. I been very curious whether you might recommend specific authors on Catholic exegesis and also on Catholic Life and virtues. I'm still struggling to read the books I've been given (about 3500) and also to load the titles into Library Thing website.
Posts: 8
Re: Books submission
Reply #10 on:
July 22, 2024, 07:48:00 PM »
On Catholic reading, try to narrow your reading to writings of the saints and lives of the saints. On writings of the saints I would suggest authors like St Anthony Mary Claret (Autobiography of St Anthony Mary Claret), St Faustina Kowalska (Diary of St Faustina). If you like to read writings of a priest, St Anthony Mary Claret is a priest. For lives of the saints I would suggest Life of St Catherine of Sienna by Blessed Raymond of Capua, or Life of St Anthony of Egypt by St Athanasius. If you would just finish one book, like the Diary of St Faustina out of 3500 books, it would benefit your soul much if it is written by a saint, even finishing just one book is an accomplishment.
God Bless. I learned it from the Autobiography of St Anthony Mary Claret. I read on St Anthony Mary Claret's Autobiography that he read all writings of the saints and lives of the saints he could get, and he became a saint by such reading and imitating the saints (from the spiritual reading). So spiritual reading begets saints.
Oh and the broken links you mentioned are now fixed, you can check the books out.
Hero Member
Posts: 715
Re: Books submission
Reply #11 on:
July 25, 2024, 06:53:24 PM »
Many thanks for your interest and comments. Please forgive my delay in responding, my kids and wife just gave me a surprise birthday present, a new laptop with more speed and capacity, upgraded to Win 11 so I can stop worrying about that and at least mostly loaded with all my Win 10 and prior documents and folders. The old laptop was reportedly no longer eligible for service, and I've been dreading finding it crashed with everything gone and irrecoverable.
Please don't let my tardiness obscure my interest in these questions:
Do you consider one of the Saints you mentioned to have been most beneficial to your Spiritual Development or your current level?
Would you recommend that Saint in particular to me, or do feel there is any appropriate and effective process for finding a Spiritual guide/director?
Posts: 8
Re: Books submission
Reply #12 on:
August 21, 2024, 04:38:05 AM »
Sorry for the late reply.
Happy belated birthday
I would feel St Anthony Mary Claret was the most influential in my path of perfection, because he listed all the Saints' Books he read in his Autobiography, and I try to find the books on archive dot org and they were available. I was elated. Maybe I can become more like him by reading the same books he read.
St Faustina and her diary was one of the first Saints' Books I read, back then they were excerpts, but now it is available in full book as a PDF. I immediately read it cover to cover.
As to finding a spiritual director, I would see that the saints are the best in being a guide/director for that matter, take for example St Padre Pio, you can be his spiritual son/daughter, by praying to him and asking him, so that you may be one of his spiritual children. From then on, you can pray to St Padre Pio more often and feel his guidance and protection throughout your life.
Just my 2 cents
Hero Member
Posts: 715
Re: Books submission
Reply #13 on:
August 23, 2024, 01:10:47 PM »
How can time pass so quickly. I brought four books to camp at Shin's suggestion and sadly have done little justice to any of them so far. The incredible complications and controversies of the life of St Anthony Claret seem almost on a par with those of St Alphonsus Liguori, whose life has been very difficult for me to try to read and summarize. Delaney's Life of St Anthony says he wrote more than 140 books and pamphlets, but unfortunately doesn't refer to any specifically. His life of extensive travel and preaching (25 000 sermons recorded), foundation of Missionary Society, Bishop, survival of assassination attempt, counsellor to Queen and so much more seems calling me to own the book regardless of how hard it may be to
I'm almost convinced I have St Faustina's Diary, looked all over for it on my last short trip home and then bogged down in one of Fr George Kosicki's books, Special Urgency of Mercy. I hope you will comment further on both Saints.
Your comment on St Pio seems an incredible coincidence. During our pilgrimage to Italy, my wife and I were able to visit San Giovanni Rotundo in Italy and the magnificent, incredible, impossible medical campus and Cathedral of St Pio, and visit his cell and monastery. The Holy fragrance will be with us forever, as well as our imagination of all the soldiers and others who came to him for confession. Your relationship with him sounds wonderful, is there a guide or website you follow?
Posts: 8
Re: Books submission
Reply #14 on:
August 30, 2024, 11:55:37 PM »
For website on Padre Pio I visit:
caccioppoli (dot) com
It is very extensive on life of Padre Pio with photos written by Giuseppe Caccioppoli
For books on Padre Pio, I search on
Isidore (dot) co
Search "Padre Pio"
Especially books titled Encounters with a Spiritual daughter from Pietrelcina written by Graziella Mandato.
On St Faustina Kowalska, I cannot thank her enough for letting me know her daily life on Diary of St Faustina. It is one of the first Saints' Books I read and know of, and the others are writings of St Therese of Lisieux (her Autobiography, Story of a Soul), and writings of St John of the Cross (Spiritual Canticle of the Bridegroom Christ). They are indeed my favorite books.
On St Anthony Mary Claret, I cannot thank him enough, because of his Autobiography, I read and collect all writings of the saints and lives of the saints he read.
You are very blessed to have visited San Giovanni Rotondo, and St Padre Pio's cell. I would like to visit there too if I have the chance.
I also have St Padre Pio's image in my room, by my bedside. It is a blessing.
Hero Member
Posts: 715
Re: Books submission
Reply #15 on:
September 05, 2024, 05:18:26 PM »
Many thanks for reference to the caccioppoli website(s). The Duckduck display was confusing about whether there were connections between the family, the fabric business, and St Pio, but the Segment about Encounters with Pio in confession captured me again even though we had heard many stories in Italy about his confessions. I too have a big picture of him in my study, and he frequently seems to urge me to confession. Another Section of the web is Encounters with Jesus' Passion, and I plan to go back to it frequently.
I find myself called to review my earliest readings about Spiritual Life:
Introduction to the Devout Life by St Francis DeSales
Rule of St Benedict
Spiritual Exercises of St Ignatius of Loyola
Enchiridion by St Augustine, aka Faith, Hope, and Love
as well as my first RCIA text and several others I've acquired.
If you would have interest in discussing any of your books, or Shin's here at Works, or mine, I would be delighted to join in.
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Books submission
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