To upload a picture to the forums:
1. Click on the Gallery button.
2. Click on the Gallery that your picture best fits. For example, for religious pictures click the 'Religious Art Gallery' link.
3. Click the 'add an item to this album' link.
4. Give it a title, and click the browse button to find the file on your computer and upload it to the forums. Wherever the picture file is stored on your PC, go to it, click it, and upload it using the browse button.
5. Hit submit. The picture will be uploaded. Now you can pre-paste it in your message.
6. Use the 'bbcode' under the picture in the album to post the image. Copy and paste or type it into your post. This info is in the 'details'.
7. The image will only appear for others after moderator approval.
Only submit modest images! Read the modesty policies and links in the announcements before-hand to familiarize yourself with these!
Also, not all pictures will be approved, even those that meet basic standards. Please submit good images and have fun!