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Author Topic: Prophecy Quotations - Excerpts  (Read 42255 times)
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« on: April 25, 2010, 05:20:40 AM »

Here is a sampling of what I have gathered so far.

Secondary sources for many of them, but no known problems with these books as secondary sources -- Dupont, etc.

Quotes are excerpted and not always concurrent from the same author.

"There will be a great prodigy which will fill the world with awe. But this prodigy will be preceded by the triumph of a revolution during which the Church will go through ordeals that are beyond description."

Pope Pius IX

"I saw one of my successors taking to flight over the bodies of his brethren. He will take refuge in a disguise somewhere; after a short retirement, he will die a cruel death. The present wickedness of the world is only the beginning of sorrows which must take place before the end of the world."

St. Pope Pius X

"A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God. In our churches, Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them. Like Mary Magdalene, weeping before the empty tomb, they will ask, "Where have they taken him?"

Pope Pius XII

"For the time will come when people will not tolerate sound doctrine but, following their own desires and insatiable curiosity, will accumulate teachers and will stop listening to the truth and will be diverted to myths."

2 Timothy 4:3-4

And because Antichrist will attain such a pitch of empty glory and be allowed to take such action against all men, and especially against God's saints, that at length some of the weak will indeed suppose God does not trouble about human affairs, the Psalmist . . . goes on to express the groaning, so to speak, of those who ask why judgement is delayed. . .
Hence the Psalmist hints at the cause of the delay in the words, 'while the wicked man is proud, the poor is on fire.'
It is truly wonderful to see with what earnestness and what firm hope God's little ones are enkindled to upright living when in contest with sinners.

St. Augustine

I saw the Church inspired by the Holy Spirit , introducing various changes in her discipline when devotion and veneration towards the blessed sacrament had grown weak. . . Incalculable graces were thereby bestowed upon the whole Church.

This cardinal will proclaim himself Anti-Pope, and two thirds of the Christians will go with him. He, also well as Antichrist, are descendants of Dan.

I saw again a new and odd-looking Church which they were trying to build. There was nothing holy about it.

I heard that Lucifer (if I don't mistake) will be freed again for awhile fifty or sixty years before the year 2000 A.D. I have forgotten many of the other dates that were told me.

I saw during the last few days marvelous things connected with the Church. St. Peter's was almost entirely destroyed by the sect, but their labors were, in turn, rendered fruitless and all that belonged to them, their aprons and tools, burned by the executioners on the public place of infamy.

[Edit: Source Needs Rechecking Bingen? Emmerich?]

Eugene, Servant of servants, sends greetings and his blessing to his daughter, the virgin Hildegard. 'We are amazed, daughter, at your message and the more I ponder over your words, the more I wonder. . . But I also rejoice that God even in our times works such marvels and reveals Himself to you, making known dark secrets of the future. . . It is my will that you do what God has commanded you to do. Write and speak as He wills . . . But in all things be humble and prudent. I shall approve of your works by a Papal Bull.'

Pope Eugenius

Then the Lord from his glorious heaven shall set up his peace. And the kingdom of the Romans shall rise in place of this latter people, and establish its dominion upon the earth, even to its ends, and there shall be no one who will resist it. After iniquity shall have [subsequently] multiplied, and all creatures have become defiled, then Divine Justice shall appear, and shall wholly destroy the people, and coming forth from perdition, the man of iniquity shall be revealed upon the earth, the Seducer of men, and the disturber of the whole earth.

St. Ephraem

Certain Doctors truly say, that one of the kings of the Frankish [Roman] Empire shall possess it in its entirety, which King shall live in the last time and shall be the greatest and last of kings. Who after he shall have happily governed his Kingdom, shall come to Jerusalem and lay down his sceptre and crown on Mount Olivet. He shall be the last and consummate of the Roman and Christian Empire.

And immediately thereupon [after he lays down his sceptre and crown], according to the sentence of Paul, they [the Doctors] say Antichrist shall come.

St. Anselm

The Great King will wage war till he is fourty years of age. . . He will assemble great armies, and hurl back the tyrants out of his empire.

St. Cataldus

"The bride (Church) now all deformed and clothed in rags, will then gleam with beauty and jewels and crowned with the diadem of all virtue. All believing nations will rejoice and have such excellent and holy shepherds, and the unbelieving world, attracted by the glory of the Church, will be converted to her.

St. Catherine of Siena

By the grace of the Almighty, the Great Monarch will annihilate heretics and unbelievers. He will have a great army, and angels will fight at his side. He will be like the sun among the stars. His influence will spread over the whole earth. All in all, there will be on earth twelve Kings, one Emperor, one Pope and a few Princes. They will all lead holy lives."

. . . the Great Monarch . . . He shall be a great captain and prince of holy men, who shall be called 'the holy Cross-bearers of Jesus Christ,' with whom he will destroy the Mahometan sect and the rest of the infidels. He shall annihilate all the heresies and tyrannies of the world. He shall reform the Church of God by means of his followers, who shall be the best men upon the earth in holiness, in arms, in science, and in every virtue . . .They shall obtain dominion over the whole world, both temporal and spiritual . . .

God Almighty will exalt a very poor man of the blood of Emperor Constantine...who shall on his breast wear a sign which you have seen at the beginning of this letter (a red Cross) . . . He will gather a grand army, and the angels shall fight for them. . .

St. Francis of Paola

When everything has been ruined by war; when Catholics are hard pressed by traitorous co-religionists and heretics; when the Church and her servants are denied their rights, the monarchies have been abolished and their rulers murdered...then the hand of Almighty God will work a marvelous change, something apparently impossible according to human understanding. There will rise a valiant monarch anointed by God. He will be a Catholic, a descendant of Louis IX, (yet) a descendant of an ancient imperial German family, born in exile. He will rule supreme in temporal matters. The Pope will rule supreme in spiritual matters at the same time. Persecution will cease and justice shall reign. Religion seems to be oppressed, but by the changes of entire kingdoms it will be made more firm.

He will root out false doctrines and destroy the rule of the Moslemism. His dominion will extend from the East to the West. All nations will adore God their Lord according to Catholic teaching. There will be many wise and just men. The people will love justice, and peace will reign over the whole earth, for divine power will bind Satan for many years until the coming of the Son of Perdition.

The Fifth Epoch of time dates from the reign of Charles V until the reign of the Great Monarch.

The Sixth Epoch from the Great Monarch until Antichrist. This Sixth Epoch of the Church--'the time of consolation'--begins with the Holy Pope and the Powerful Emperor, and terminates with the reign of Antichrist. This will be an age of solace, wherein God will console His church after the many mortifications and afflictions she had endured in the Fifth period, for all nations will be brought to the unity of the true Catholic Faith.

Ven. Bartholomew Holzhauser

. . . near the time of the Antichrist, will come. . . a most violent conflict with the Roman Church such that there will be great tribulations. At this time, a schism will be produced in the bosom of the Church on the occasion of the election of the pope. . .  there is one who will be called the true pope, but he will not be truly so.

He will persecute the true pope and all those who obey him, so that the majority will declare themselves for the antipope rather than for the true pope. But this antipope will have a sad end, and the true one will remain the unique and uncontested pontiff.

Ven. Bernard de Bustis

When the entire world, and in a special way France, and in France especially the provinces of the north, of the east, and above all that of Lorraine and Champagne, shall have been laid waste by the greatest of miseries and trials, then the provinces shall be comforted by a prince who had been exiled in his youth, and who shall recover the crown of the lilies. The prince shall extend his dominion over the total universe. [Dominabitur per universum orbem.]

At the same time, by the will of God, a most holy man shall receive the Papacy, who will be most perfect in every spiritual perfection. This Pope will have with him the great Monarch, a most virtuous man, who shall be an eminent leader of the holy line of French Kings. This great Monarch shall assist the Pope in the reformation of the whole earth. Many nations and their princes that are living in error and impiety [at that time] shall be converted, and an admirable peace shall reign among men during many years, because the wrath of God shall be appeased through their repentance, penance, and good works. There will be one common law, only one faith, one baptism, one religion.

All nations shall recognize the Holy See of Rome, and shall pay homage to the Pope. But after an extended period of time fervor will cool, iniquity will abound, and moral corruption shall become worse than ever before, which shall bring upon mankind the last and worse persecution of Antichrist, and the end of the world.

St. Caesarius of Arles (6th Century)

« Last Edit: September 06, 2019, 12:29:19 AM by Shin » Logged

'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
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« Reply #1 on: April 25, 2010, 05:40:09 AM »

Now to summarize and comment.

Most at least of these prophecies are concerned with the time before the end of the world, the lead up to the time of the Antichrist.

Bl. Hildegard? 's quote about aprons and tools I take to be a unmistakable reference to the Masons. Her quote about Lucifer, one could cross-reference to the famous vision of Pope Leo XIII.

The apparent end of time follows a sequence of events that in the prophecies above and some others appears to be thus, so far as I can tell -- I will try to polish this description further later:

There is a great persecution of the Church and apostasy, heresies on all levels, in and out. The Masons are involved to some degree. Wars are ongoing throughout the world. Governments are fractured and in turmoil. In France, this is especially the case, and no resolution can be found for proper government, the people are divided. At this time, a descendant of the French Kings in exile is put forth as the potential head of the government, and he is chosen for the office and takes it, though not without some military resistant as well as support.

Democracies and republics at this time will be on the wane.

Many further wars are fought, and the French King succeeds militarily and so, the Roman Empire is in a sense restored, because he rules either directly or by influence the entire world, the Moslem powers put down, the Communists, secular humanists, etc. as well subdued.

He is eminently Catholic and with the Pope restores Catholic government to the entire world. Nations which previously were entirely pagan, embrace the Faith. Miracles abound.. A period of peace envelops the world..

After some decades, the French King grows weak and old, and passes away. With his death, the corruption which had slowly attempted its return, truly returns.. and the Antichrist begins to take power.

... And that so far is all I have read. I am only summarizing what I have read in the above, not interpreting here, I want to make that clear.

But I will add that many people believe we are possibly near or even in that time that is the lead up to the King, i.e. when things will become pitch black, and so forth. The period of peace that the King brings reminds me of the period of peace promised by Fatima.

Also, potentially, it is all simply a foreshadowing of these later events. I do not know.

[edit: for question of authorship]
« Last Edit: November 25, 2012, 05:11:30 AM by Shin » Logged

'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
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« Reply #2 on: April 25, 2010, 11:10:44 AM »

Thank you so much for these!

Question - was Bavaria part of the Frankish Empire?

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« Reply #3 on: April 25, 2010, 12:14:35 PM »

Shin, that is  a lot of research. I'm going to read it carefully and slowly.

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« Reply #4 on: April 25, 2010, 04:02:56 PM »

Thank you so much for these!

Question - was Bavaria part of the Frankish Empire?

Yes it was! All those beautiful castles now built by poor King Ludwig, Richard Wagner's compatriot.

Shin, that is  a lot of research. I'm going to read it carefully and slowly.

I am just summarizing the quotes, but there are more quotes, many more.

Let me list some sources:

Trial, Tribulation, and Triumph by Desmond Birch
Catholic Prophecy by Yves Dupot
The Three Day's Darkness: Prophecies of Saints and Seers by Albert J. Hebert, S.M.
The Prophets and Our Times by Fr. Culleton
The Christian Trumpet by Fr. Gaudentius Rossi
Prophecy for Today by Edward Connor

Now, most of these sources I am citing from being quoted on the Internet. I do not have Hebert's. I have Birch's, Dupont's in paperback, most of Fr. Culleton's in etext, Fr. Rossi's in etext, and the rest I cite only cited on the net - but I have no reason to think the citations are inaccurate. On the other hand, I do not know how well translated, or how well sourced some of the quotations are, no reason to suspect particularly, but a little extra caution is prudent in how much weight some of this is given.

I believe Tan sells many of these books.

Prophecy people love to cite, so many of these books have basically either directly or through citation largely put online.

When in doubt about a particular point, the way to decide its weight is to cross-reference it to see if other saints, venerables, blesseds, etc. have supported that part of the prophecy as well. With saints having the most weight I might add, naturally.

Some of these books make inaccurate predictions based on the prophecies.

A few of the prophecies themselves are hard to reconcile, but not generally impossible to do so. Some are disturbing as well as difficult to reconcile, and I have not cited these yet because I am still trying to figure out whether they stand alone or have enough support.

Fr. Rossi, for example, has a timeline that is partially inaccurate, and scary, which has in 1890 the great monarch appearing, which is not the case, and so puts us directly in the time of the AntiChrist already. but that does not mean his quotations and citations are not useful, nor the reasons why he made such speculations are not worth trying to understand, and so on.

The main points though appear to show there's a good deal of prophetic weight behind the idea of a great Catholic monarch restoring Catholicism to the world after a time of great darkness for the Church, and spreading it where it had never successfully taken complete root before, and this before the end of the world. After this great monarch dies, the Antichrist's power will wax and the great faith that was throughout the world will wane, and times will become even darker than before, the darkest ever, before the very end.

I have not gone yet into Enoch and Elijah, and so forth, I will try to focus on particular areas when I have enough quotes and time. Smiley

Birch's book was quite helpful to me, I do not agree with everything in it, but he set the stage in many ways well in how he organized his quotations.

I am only going to say what I have read, again, I am going to refrain from making interpretations here as much as I can possibly help it, and note what few I make which should be generally simply common sense.

If reading a lot of this stuff is going to disturb you overly, don't and set it aside. If you have a tendency to take things too far, don't again. Smiley It's troubling stuff, we have to know how much we can handle and be careful!  Cheesy

There are a lot of strange websites out there so safe surfing too if you do search for this stuff which you very much likely should be best off largely mortifying yourself in regard to too.
« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 04:15:10 PM by Shin » Logged

'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
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« Reply #5 on: April 25, 2010, 04:07:39 PM »

Again, I am so impressed. BTW, in your opinion do St. Malachi's predictions/prophecies fit with any of these?

« Last Edit: April 25, 2010, 04:13:01 PM by Brigid » Logged

For where thy treasure is, there is thy heart also.
Matt. 6:21
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« Reply #6 on: April 25, 2010, 04:12:54 PM »

Again, I am so impressed. BTW, in your opinion do St. Malachi's predictions/prophecies fit with any of these?

I don't know. They're so close to their end we might well wait and see.  Cheesy

Deo gratias et Marie semper Virgini.  Cheesy

'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
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« Reply #7 on: April 25, 2010, 04:13:39 PM »

That's true.

For where thy treasure is, there is thy heart also.
Matt. 6:21
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« Reply #8 on: April 26, 2010, 04:56:31 PM »

I found I have more books than I thought, I do have Tan's 'The Prophets and Our Times' by Rev. Culleton, and their 'The Prophecies of St. Malachy'. I'm a big disorganized still.

Culleton's is proving invaluable. Smiley

Tan is proving a great book store as always!

'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
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« Reply #9 on: April 26, 2010, 06:13:16 PM »

Shin, what do you think of the apparition at Rianjo (1931) where Our Lord complains to Lucy ‘They did not wish to heed My request! ... Like the King of France they will repent of it, and they will do it, but it will be late. Russia will have already spread its errors in the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church. The Holy Father will have much to suffer.’ ?
If Our Lord compares the Consecration of Russia to what was requested of the King of France and it took a hundred years for punishment to fall  not on him but his grandson ,  King Louis XVI  (I hope I'm getting the facts right)  do you think it would be a hundred years before punishment falls on the world for not obeying Our Lady's requests, ....that would be 2013 (100 years after Fatima)    This is the year my brother thinks could be bad for us. But with God's idea of timeline you never know.

'His mother saith to the servants: Whatsoever he shall say to you, do ye.'
~~~John 2:5
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« Reply #10 on: April 26, 2010, 07:06:05 PM »

 confused shrug sad bye

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« Reply #11 on: April 26, 2010, 07:17:20 PM »

Shin, what do you think of the apparition at Rianjo (1931) where Our Lord complains to Lucy ‘They did not wish to heed My request! ... Like the King of France they will repent of it, and they will do it, but it will be late. Russia will have already spread its errors in the world, provoking wars and persecutions against the Church. The Holy Father will have much to suffer.’ ?
If Our Lord compares the Consecration of Russia to what was requested of the King of France and it took a hundred years for punishment to fall  not on him but his grandson ,  King Louis XVI  (I hope I'm getting the facts right)  do you think it would be a hundred years before punishment falls on the world for not obeying Our Lady's requests, ....that would be 2013 (100 years after Fatima)    This is the year my brother thinks could be bad for us. But with God's idea of timeline you never know.

You know more about Fatima than me actually, I am sure.

I am really just only getting my ducks in order on prophecy.

It's so much easier dealing with moral law than with prophecy. Smiley

It's another 'wait and see' moment for me.. It's possible.. But just that, a possibility, like others. Certainly Communism has done so much damage and is not done yet..

We can wait and see if something key happens then that could cause the fulfillment of that portion of Fatima's prophecies. It would likely be something that would cause a great deal of hate for the Church [ edit . . . ]

the rage could simply build and build.

2012 has come up.. 2013 being a hundred years later.. I don't know, I am not good with dates, and not yet familiar enough with prophecy and how it works to see how often and well we can make those kinds of date based conclusions. I can say that the devil often latches on to true prophecy and creates variations that are false, and the Lord sometimes does allow members of false religions to make true predictions. So when we see 2012 focused on for ridiculous reasons, the Mayan Calendar business.. that is not a sign that nothing will happen.. nothing may.. but something may just as well.. right around then.. for proper reasons simply not so popular

Right now in some countries priests are persecuted and killed. In America, we do not hear about how Christians and priests are tortured and killed around the world today.

This is all just speculation. I hate making speculative posts because I hate making mistakes and speaking without full knowledge. But it's good to make a fool of yourself sometimes, as long as you add a disclaimer. Smiley
« Last Edit: October 22, 2023, 04:08:52 AM by Shin » Logged

'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
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« Reply #12 on: April 26, 2010, 07:21:30 PM »

confused shrug sad bye


All a little too much for you isn't it?  Cheesy

'Flores apparuerunt in terra nostra. . . Fulcite me floribus. (The flowers appear on the earth. . . stay me up with flowers. Sg 2:12,5)
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« Reply #13 on: April 26, 2010, 08:15:02 PM »

 thumbs up
 Roll Eyes

how's that for non-verbals?   Smiley
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« Reply #14 on: April 26, 2010, 10:31:34 PM »

"A day will come when the civilized world will deny its God, when the Church will doubt as Peter doubted. She will be tempted to believe that man has become God. In our churches, Christians will search in vain for the red lamp where God awaits them. Like Mary Magdalene, weeping before the empty tomb, they will ask, "Where have they taken him?"

Pope Pius XII

wow this is really scary Sad the quote about people thinking that man has become God... it makes me think that maybe the Antichrist will perform great signs and wonders...

does this quote mean that the Eucharist won't be in the Church anymore? Sad

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« Reply #15 on: April 26, 2010, 10:31:56 PM »

This cardinal will proclaim himself Anti-Pope, and two thirds of the Christians will go with him. He, also well as Antichrist, are descendants of Dan.

what does this mean?

"Let us run to Jesus, Heart of Love, Heart full of tenderness. Let us ask Jesus to give us the riches of His pure love - to breathe only for love, to live only for love" ~St Gemma Galgani
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