A new media gallery button should now be visible upon the main button dashboard, the button should read 'gallery'.
The gallery or galleries are for submission of images that can be used in posts, or viewed in the gallery for the pleasure of all.
Currently there are four gallery categories. Further gallery categories are possible, suggestions are welcome.
The media gallery is capable of handling video, music, documents, etc. but these options have not been enabled. Whether some of these be in future or not is up in the air.

Currently the galleries are undergoing testing so expect some hiccups. Please be patient as work is in progress.
Your participation during testing will help everything to run smoothly! Feel free to submit images to the galleries!
Every image submitted to the galleries and approved can be used in posting.
To use an image in posting use the
BBC embed code displayed under the image in your post, and it will appear.
Images submitted to galleries that are not for photographs or illustrations of people will be approved as soon as possible. You may advance post the bbcode for such images. Images submitted to the main galleries will only be visible after moderator review and approval, this mainly to ensure adherence to Christian modesty. Please view the policies on links and images in the announcements before submitting any images, adherence is
required, lack of adherence can be
penalized. Your adminstrator does not like having to sort through images that do not meet all the modesty requirements.
Feel free to submit any good images to the board, submissions are welcome -- not all images will be approved that meet the basic standards, space is not unlimited.
And have fun looking at the pretty pictures!
Deo gratias et Mariae semper Virgini!