I would be very biblical about the matter and quote a line of scripture to them.
Something like, "I know not the man."
God forbid but if anything like that should ever happen I would like to think the Lord would instill the supernatural grace needed to stand firm no matter what.
It's a public holiday here today and I was just sitting debating with myself whether or not to write a letter to our bishop asking for a traditional Mass to be made available here on Sundays.
Thanks Shin, you've just unwittingly gave me the answer.
Would you (or anyone here) have a sample letter I could use to work from when writing to a bishop even if it's not on this subject. Want to make sure I dot my "i's" and cross my "t's" so to speak.
I'm getting very wearied of the abuses at the Novus Ordo Missae lately and keep telling myself not to be getting so uptight but it ain't working. A few friends have called me today and one was telling me he was at a requiem Mass this morning and for the psalm they played Danny Boy.
Last sunday the sacristan came on the alter at communion time, whispered something to the visiting elderly priest who was saying the mass and then proceded to take the Ciborium from the alter and give Holy Communion to the lay ministers. He then ( with the priest and the other lay ministers) gave Communion to the congregation at such a speed that he dropped a Sacred Host on the floor.
Sitting in front of me was a young lady with one arm draped across the backrest of the pew and so scantly clad that it was sacrilegious to say the least.... I could go on... but forgive me for letting off a little steam.