What do you think the difference is between imprudence and gluttony? Is it that gluttony is part of imprudence.
Umph! Imprudence and gluttony. I never thought of it that way before.. but imprudence certainly leads to it, doesn't it! In fact so often when I think of the times I overate, the key!
With overeating my general approach is -- beforehand I think, well this is a small thing, and only a little won't be a long enough time to enjoy the meal.. in other words, it's not a matter of hunger, I -could- make due with a smaller portion, it's a matter of sufficiently long enjoyment of the meal. And then of course, only -afterwards- I might think, 'Was that worth it? No..' and the typical regret that comes after.. in other words, instead of the spiritual way of hardship now, and lasting good memory, a brief 'good' memory, and lasting regret.
And it's always leaping ahead, having another bite!
Smaller portions.. Planning and praying ahead.. asking my guardian angel to help me, specifically, every day.. perhaps this will help more..
Honestly, really a small portion perhaps eaten more slowly..